October 30, 2022

“Can you feel it? Behind the scenes, there is a HUGE BUILDUP TO THE TAKEDOWN. Heavenly and earthly forces have quietly ASSEMBLED; they are FULLY ARMED, and BATTLE-READY. When they STRIKE, it will be a FORCE that your whole Nation feels. Picture this as a BOWLING GAME: illegitimate leaders have set themselves up as KINGPINS, but My COMBINED Heavenly and earthly FORCES have become a HUGE BOWLING BALL that when released, will bring about the DOWNFALL of all those partnered with darkness. All the pins will SCATTER and FLY at the FORCE of My WRECKING BALL, and some pins will SPLINTER and BREAK, as they are completely DESTROYED by the FORCE of My Heavenly and earthly armies moving TOGETHER as a PRECISION FORCE. Even as you feel the TENSION of the BUILDUP TO THE TAKEDOWN, do not enter into fear or anxiety. FOCUS on staying near to My heart where you will find PEACE and PROTECTION. You can look with My eyes at coming events and feel the ANTICIPATION of the NEARING VICTORY. Be FAITHFUL to UNDERGIRD all these RESCUE OPERATIONS with your PRAYERS and DECLARATIONS. Realize that THE BUILDUP TO THE TAKEDOWN brings VICTORY ever closer. The greatest TRIUMPH of your lives and of your Nation draws very near.”
Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


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