October 6, 2022


“I have spoken to My prophets about a TIME OF SILENCE that is coming to your Nation. This time of silence is DECREED in order to SHUT OFF and SHUT DOWN the media voices of Leviathan who have POLLUTED the airwaves with LIES and DISTORTIONS. They have partnered with darkness to MESMERIZE the people into believing a FALSE NARRATIVE that promotes the plans of deep darkness to RULE over them through FEAR and MANIPULATION of the truth. The silence will be PROFOUND when I abruptly (suddenly, unexpectedly) turn their voices off. Startled awake people will realize how they were BOMBARDED every day with PROPAGANDA, SMOKESCREENS, and OUTRIGHT LIES. The silence will be SHOCKING, and people will CRY for VOICES OF TRUTH to speak. I will MAKE A WAY for My VOICES OF TRUTH to be HEARD so that people can begin to understand what the truth is about their Nation and who is on the side of LIGHT and who has aligned with DARKNESS. Only those voices that speak for Heaven will be given a WAY for their voices to be heard. I will make a way for them. Army of Light, because you know the TRUTH and carry My PEACE, friends, family, and strangers will be DRAWN to you; and you will provide KNOWLEDGE and COMFORT. KNOWLEDGE of what I AM doing in the earth and COMFORT of a PROMISED season of LIGHT and PLENTY. When I bring down Leviathan, the CORRUPT MEDIA will be SILENT and DARK. People will HEAR HEAVEN for the first time in their lives. LET HEAVEN SPEAK AND ALL OTHERS BE SILENT.”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal  


  1. Thank You, Ms. Larkin, Our Heavenly Father!

  2. going back and rereading....expectations! How good is our God to tell us these things ahead of time so we can be anchored in Him, help stabilize others....

  3. How DO you decide WHICH words to WRITE IN all CAPS? IS it god or are you JUST CRAY, b?

    1. Based only on what other prophets have said about that, the capitalized words are words that were emphatically stressed when hearing the word, so, GOD!

  4. ‼️๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ‼️


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