October 7, 2022


My musings this morning: Several prophetic voices have said we are in an ISAIAH 61 season—anointing to bring good news and deliverance and to re-establish justice and righteousness. One of these prophetic voices mentioned Aaron Judge as being a sign of this because he just hit his 61st home run (tying for the world record). Well, Aaron Judge very quickly hit his 62nd home run, breaking the record. I believe this signals a move into an ISAIAH 62 season! This chapter is a joyous celebration of vindication, restoration, abundance, and a call to rebuild!

The Father speaks:

“Hold on as, together, we FINISH this war against darkness-DEFEATING, DISARMING, and DISMANTLING their DARK and GREEDY AGENDA. Very soon, a NEW SEASON will be ushered in by Heaven—A RECORD-BREAKING SEASON. This season will be marked by the OPPOSITE of what you have SUFFERED and LOST. There will be VINDICATION of TRUTH that you kept speaking; there will be ABUNDANCE in places of DESOLATION; STOLEN property will be RETURNED; CELEBRATIONS will be seen everywhere; and My hand of FAVOR will rest on your Land, and My FACE WILL SHINE on you releasing My LOVE and BLESSING into your life. The ISAIAH 61 season will blend into an ISAIAH 62 season, and you will see many SAVED, HEALED, and DELIVERED, and you will see RECORD AFTER RECORD being BROKEN as My people who have partnered with Me in BATTLE now learn to live out our VICTORY. Shout HALLELUJAH!”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal    


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