October 8, 2022


“You may wonder how an IRON FIST and LOVE go together. My LOVE is BEYOND what you can COMPREHEND, and it is extended to ALL mankind equally. Because I chose to give man FREE WILL, he can choose whether or not to receive My love. Those who choose to TAKE HOLD of My LOVE through the BLOOD of My Son will go on to become SONS and DAUGHTERS of LIGHT—blessed on earth and amazingly blessed in eternity with Me. Those who choose to REJECT My love and want to RULE their own lives will eventually end up SERVING DARKNESS and believing the LIES the enemy spreads about Me. Some will choose to completely serve darkness, and these will attempt to DOMINATE and CRUSH those serving the LIGHT. I AM not WILLING to allow the darkness to do this and that is why I have STIRRED you up to come against the darkness in My strength and power and to CRY OUT to Me for DELIVERANCE and FREEDOM. You have chosen to HEAR My voice and to join Me on the battlefield, and I AM coming to give you COMPLETE VICTORY and RECOVERY of ALL. I would always rather EXTEND MERCY, but I will not IGNORE your cries for HELP and DELIVERANCE from those who seek to OPPRESS you and to STEAL from you. That is why I who am LOVE will COME DOWN HARD on the darkness with My IRON FIST, and I will re-establish JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS in your Land.”

PSALM 99:9 “Keep exalting the Lord our God facedown before His glory-throne, for He is great and holy!” (TPT) 

Diana Larkin
A Watchman’s Journal 


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