October 9, 2022


JAMES 1:17 “Every gift that God gives us is good and perfect, streaming down from the Father of lights, who shines from the heavens with no hidden shadow or darkness and is never subject to change.” (TPT)
“This WAR over your Nation is a war AGAINST SHADOWS. You have heard of the SHADOW government and the SHADOW deep state that have tried to CONTROL your Land. There is also the SHADOW of CORRUPTION, BRIBERY, and PERVERSION. These SHADOWS have DARKENED your Nation and CORRUPTED JUSTICE. Leviathan has cast a SHADOW of DECEPTION over the people so that they won’t RECOGNIZE the INCREASING DARKNESS, and they have been told that evil is good and good is evil. But the LIGHT of My Sons and Daughters has GROWN and GROWN, as they have drawn CLOSE to Me and CRIED OUT for deliverance from SHADOWS and a restoration of LIGHT and TRUTH. The DARK SHADOWS greatly feared the GROWING LIGHT and so they PANICKED and pushed their SHADOW agenda recklessly faster and faster. This was their UNDOING because people suddenly WOKE UP to how DARK it was becoming, and My Spirit is AWAKENING them to SEARCH for My light. Be ready to pull them out of the dark SHADOWS and into My LOVE and LIGHT. I charge you to watch over your own heart and to give My Spirit PERMISSION to REVEAL and CLEAR OUT any SHADOWS in your own heart so that My light can SHINE FULLY through you. This means RELEASING your past with all its HURTS and WOUNDS and any UNFORGIVENESS you might be harboring. It means living in the present and REFUSING to allow OFFENSE, ACCUSATION, JEALOUSY, or PRIDE to cast any SHADOWS on your heart. This is why My Son died to set you FREE from any SHADOW of darkness and why I sent My Spirit to TRANSFORM your past SHADOWS to light and to strengthen you to RESIST any new SHADOWS falling on your heart. Rise up, enter into My LIFE and HEART, and truly become My Army of Light with no darkness or SHADOW of turning.”
Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal



  1. "This Little Light of Mine; I'm gonna let it shine"! The Lord speaks LIGHT, LOVE, blinding the DARKNESS! Amen! Thank You, Mrs. Larkin!


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