Orders from Headquarters

From the video "JOLTED AWAKE!"

November 23, 2022

Orders from headquarters: 

* His COUNSEL to us is not to get THROWN OFF our ASSIGNMENT by outward circumstances. Set our heart to TRUSTING HIS CHARACTER AND HIS FAITHFULNESS and pray from this position of STRENGTH.” 

* Partner with Him, and we will mount A WORLDWIDE WAR AGAINST LEVIATHAN. We are to get AGGRESSIVE in our WARFARE against this MIND-NUMBING SPIRIT. COMMAND that every LIE Leviathan speaks will be TURNED BACK into their camp. Send forth BATTERING RAM Angels to BREAK OPEN the fortresses of this BOASTING, ARROGANT voice. SEND the Host to SHINE His LIGHT OF EXPOSURE on all the LIES, BRIBERY, and CORRUPTION. SEND forth those who carry His Spirit of Truth to REPLACE the lies with what is TRUE. SEND forth UNCOVERING and DELIVERING Angels to REMOVE BLINDERS from peoples’ eyes and to OPEN THEIR EARS to hear His truth. 

*He is calling us to REST in His SUPERIOR BATTLE STRATEGY and to TRUST His TIMING and His WAYS.  FIGHT FIERCELY with a QUIET REST in our hearts and to TRUST His TIMING and His WAYS.” 

* ASK Him, and He will give you the HEART OF CALEB, and you will REMAIN STRONG and FOCUSED to the end. DECLARE today that the GIANTS ARE COMING DOWN and that you will receive your long-awaited INHERITANCE. 

* Receive His GIFT OF JOY and let it SHINE and EXPOSE the darkness. Expressing JOY before you see the DOWNFALL of evil is FAITH IN ACTION, and it will SPEED UP the process of OUT WITH THE OLD AND IN WITH THE NEW.” 

* Pick up the BANNER of His REDEMPTIVE and RESTORING heart and WAVE it over your life and your Nation. The Spirit WIND from the WAVING BANNERS will carry RENEWED HOPE and LIFE into peoples’ hearts.  

* SHINE His HOPE, His PEACE, and PROCLAIM His promises to those who have been JOLTED AWAKE.  


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