November 27, 2022

“The enemy’s camp knows that this is ‘MAKE IT OR BREAK IT TIME.’ Either they establish their CONTROL NOW, or their plans will be PUSHED BACK a hundred years or more. Therefore, I want you to know that they have lined up a SERIES of VERY EVIL SCHEMES to bring about DEATH, DESTRUCTION, and GREAT FEAR, with the ultimate goal of their DOMINATION of the world. As these schemes begin to POP UP, you may feel like you are playing A GIANT GAME OF WHACK-A-MOLE. Do not let this DISCOURAGE or DISMAY you, because this INTENSE SEASON won’t last much longer, and I have given you a DIVINELY POWERFUL HAMMER to beat down every scheme that raises its head. Do not allow the enemy to make you feel OVERWHELMED or INTIMIDATED by the multitude of evil plans. Instead, TURN your face to Mine and feel My STRENGTH filling you up with POWER and LIGHT. Every time you WHACK-A-MOLE with your powerful hammer, sparks of LIGHT fly off and release LIGHT into the darkness. The BLOW you strike directly on the enemy plan will cause that plan to go RIGHT BACK ONTO THOSE who sent it. As long as your FAITH REMAINS in Me and My promises, and as long as you keep coming to Me to be STRENGTHENED, you will be a FORMIDABLE WHACK-A-MOLE player who SMASHES the enemy’s schemes BACK into their camp. HAMMERS READY, Army of Light? LET’S GO!”
Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


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