November 30, 2022


“Tomorrow begins a new month for you. A month that you have chosen to CELEBRATE the LIGHT OF THE WORLD coming to the earth. His coming CHANGED the course of history, and it CHANGED your life. When you SURRENDERED your life to Jesus and accepted His SACRIFICE for your sins, you TURNED THE PAGE and began a NEW LIFE. Such a SEASON is now upon your Nation. It is time for your Land to TURN THE PAGE and to be brought BACK TO LIFE, JUSTICE, and RIGHTEOUSNESS. Keep in mind that when Jesus came to earth, there was a DEATH before the RESURRECTION could happen. The MESS your Nation is in due to EVIL LEADERS and BLINDED eyes and STOPPED-UP ears of the people, seems BEYOND REPAIR. But God! I have promised a MIRACULOUS RESURRECTION for your Nation, and so it shall be brought BACK TO LIFE, FREEDOM, and ABUNDANCE. Your enemies will lay on the ground, TRAMPLED by your feet of VICTORY. Tomorrow I want you to TURN THE PAGE and begin declaring, ‘This is a season of NEW LIFE and LIGHT for My Nation!’ Let the NEW STORY begin for your Land.”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal   


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