December 27, 2022


“I AM moving now among you to POSITION YOU for the coming NEW ERA that is unfolding for My Sons and Daughters around the world. As I BRING DOWN EVIL GOVERNMENTS, COMPROMISED CHURCH LEADERS, and those leaders partnered with DARKNESS in all areas of society, I will have POSITIONED many of you to STEP INTO these places of LEADERSHIP. This will avoid further CHAOS and DARKNESS because you are My representatives of LIFE, LIGHT, JUSTICE, and RIGHTEOUSNESS, and you will help bring STABILITY, PEACE, and PROSPERITY to the world. Some of you are being POSITIONED to SERVE these righteous leaders I AM raising up. You will help them stay FOCUSED and TRUE to their calling. I have been TRAINING you for these POSITIONS of leadership and support by NATURAL and SUPERNATURAL means. PRACTICAL training and education of how to lead in your field, CHALLENGING life experiences and relationships that have taught you WISDOM in dealing with people and how to keep your heart FREE FROM OFFENSE. SPIRITUALLY, you have learned to be a VALIANT WARRIOR that does not BACK DOWN, and you have drawn ever CLOSER to My heart and GOOD FRUIT is being produced from our INTERTWINED HEARTS. As I POSITION you for the NEW DAY, some of you will physically MOVE locations, some will CHANGE JOBS, some will encounter sudden new MINISTRY opportunities. MOVE with My Spirit and with My peace, and you will find yourself POSITIONED FOR BLESSING and INCREASED FRUITFULNESS.”
Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 



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