December 24, 2022


“I understand that it is DIFFICULT for you as you WAIT FOR THE OTHER SHOE TO DROP. 
I have PROMISED you the SHOE DROP of the FULL DISCLOSURE of EVIL and CORRUPTION, and you have seen SIGNS of the FALL coming, but not in the FULNESS and FINALITY that I have promised. Know that the Holy Spirit is always available to COMFORT you in this time of WAITING and HOPING. Allow Holy Spirit to pour the WARM OIL OF
COMFORT on your heart and then ask that your heart would be RE-ALIGNED with My heart and purposes because then you are STRONG and your FAITH will hold STEADY until you see THE OTHER SHOE DROP. Also know that the darkness FEARS the OTHER SHOE DROPPING, and they are SCRAMBLING to PREVENT this. They are not just dealing with DEFERRED HOPE, they are awaiting SUDDEN DOOM. The PRESSURE of waiting is producing DESPERATION in them, as they FRANTICALLY try to GUESS when THE SHOE COULD DROP. They are being CONSUMED with how to save themselves, and this is WEAKENING them and their plans. As you wait FOR THE OTHER SHOE TO DROP, SHOUT My PRAISES LOUDER and CELEBRATE the One who came to LIVE for you, to DIE for you, and to DELIVER you out of the darkness and into the LIGHT of My presence. Just as My Son came long ago to RESCUE you for eternity, so I will be just as FAITHFUL to RESCUE your Nation from this PRESENT EVIL THREAT. That OTHER SHOE WILL DROP, and
everything will change—from DARK to LIGHT.”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 



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