ACTION ITEMS: Video from January 17, 2023 "MY TSUNAMI WILL REVEAL ALL"


* Worship Him with all our hearts, wage unrelenting war against the darkness, watch in wonder as He comes to rescue us. 

*We are to stand strong with Him in faith, bind dark powers, loose His storm wind against the darkness, and send their dark schemes back into their camp.  

*Ask, and He will fill us with His strength, resolve, and a warrior spirit. 

*We have been set to help bring in the harvest of seeking souls, we are to draw nearer to Him and seek Him with our whole hearts so that we can share Him with those seeking Him 

*We have a strategic command for this present stage of the war and that is to declare “Enough is Enough is Enough!” 

*Even though the wait seems too long to us, we are to not give up, faint, or fall back from believing on His promises because we will receive a reward. 

*Let His love fill our hearts, stabilize our emotions, and give us eyes to see a good future, choose a harvest of reward. 

*We are not to get stuck in mourning or fearing the loss of people or systems that fall—it will make way for reinstatement of Kingdom rule on the earth. Don't be afraid to let the old die and welcome the new He has planned for us. 

*Take your sword in one hand and wave His banner of love over our lives with the other hand. We were made for such a time as this. 

*Take authority over dark schemes, bring them to nothing, blow them back into the enemy’s camp 

* Be BEHIND the CLEAN-UP operation using our DECREES that all be EXPOSED and CORRUPTION be CLEANED UP by My JUDGMENT and JUSTICE. Then DECLARE that the TREASURES of the wicked will be put into the hands of His people who will STEWARD them WISELY. Don’t LOSE HEART when the darkness launches their LAST-DITCH attacks! 


  1. POWERFUL encouragement and wisdom with discernment for the days ahead...we CAN NOT stop now...the end is in sight. Others will need us to hold our position of faith and strength, the hope within us

  2. Always encouraging Words, Father! We shall press in, press on, March forward, Your Lightbearers Your soldiers, Lord! Amen!✝️🙏🏻


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