January 1, 2023
“You are coming out of a SEASON where My HAND OF JUSTICE had partially lifted from your Land. My HAND OF JUSTICE lifted for several reasons. The Church allowed the LIGHT of My JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS to be DIMMED by compromise, and their LOVE for Me and for My Kingdom ways GREW COLD. Also, more and more people chose LAWLESSNESS and DARKNESS and INJUSTICE crept across the Land I had destined to be a LIGHTHOUSE to the world. But you, My Remnant, My Army of Light, CALLED OUT to Me in REPENTANCE and CRIED OUT for My TORCH OF JUSTICE to be ignited once again over your Land. You allowed Me to IGNITE YOUR HEARTS with My TORCH OF JUSTICE, and it BURNS and SHINES into the darkness that SHADOWED your Land. The enemy has desperately tried to SNUFF OUT the LIGHT OF JUSTICE and FREEDOM that burns in you through MOCKING your faith and attempting to DISCOURAGE you by telling you that I’m not going to fulfill My PROMISES to you. But you are still BURNING for Me and DECLARING that My PROMISES will be FULFILLED. Your burning FAITH, your PASSION for Me, and your WARFARE against the darkness and INJUSTICE have made a WAY for THE RETURN OF THE KING OF JUSTICE. This coming SEASON will be marked by My justice TRIUMPHING over the darkness and gross injustice in your Land. My FAITHFUL Army of Light, lift your hands and welcome THE RETURN OF THE KING OF JUSTICE.”
Diana Larkin
A Watchman’s Journal
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