January 27, 2023


“Those who have partnered with darkness are DETERMINED to carry out their plans of WORLD DOMINATION. They have JOINED all their dark schemes and plans in a FINAL PUSH to DESTROY FREEDOM and LIGHT. These plans are INTRICATE and POWERFUL and if carried out, they would bring great DEVASTATION to the world. The next step would be to present their SMUG FACES to the world and to take CONTROL in order to ‘save’ you. They are BARRELING ahead FULL FORCE with their dark schemes; they look UNSTOPPABLE, but they are DECEIVED about who I AM. They don’t realize that they are on a COLLISION COURSE with the Most High God. They BELIEVED the enemy’s LIES that he was stronger and more clever than I AM. He PUFFED them up with PRIDE and ARROGANCE. They think they’re really HOT STUFF and that has BLINDED them to the fact that I have ARISEN in response to My FAITHFUL REMNANT’S cries to be RESCUED and DELIVERED. Just as prideful Pharaoh and and his army RUSHED in for the KILL and were met by the CRASHING WAVES of My JUDGMENT, so these modern-day pharaohs are going to RUSH IN for the KILL, and they will meet Me HEAD-ON in the COLLISION COURSE of the ages. DESTRUCTION and LOSS will be their only prize. Remember I have told you to leave no evil scheme UNCHALLENGED by the LIGHT and POWER dwelling in you. I’ve also REASSURED you that I will only allow the SHAKINGS that are necessary to AWAKEN the sleeping masses. Keep calling forth the UNCOVERING of HIDDEN EVIL and CORRUPTION and that even the LYING media would have to report it—this is an IMPORTANT TOOL for the AWAKENING. You will be kept SAFE with Me, as you
Diana Larkin, A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. "to leave no evil scheme UNCHALLENGED by the LIGHT and POWER dwelling in you." & "deep darkness will SMASH into UNMOVABLE BRILLIANT LIGHT.” my action item followed by my Divine ly inspired imaginations. that should keep me occupied until I become those forces embodied! As Paul said why do you look at us as mere men?


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