February 1, 2023


“I SEE, I HEAR, and I KNOW everything that is happening in your world. NOTHING 
slips by My NOTICE and NOTHING can be HIDDEN from Me. Do not let the enemy
LIE to you and tell you that I don’t SEE what’s going on or that I’m not going to do
anything about INJUSTICE and DEADLY AGENDAS. I CLEARLY SEE the evil in the
hearts of those partnered with darkness; I HEAR every IDEA, PLOT, and SCHEME
they are planning; and I KNOW where and how they plan to LAUNCH new schemes,
and I KNOW how they are maintaining the INJUSTICE and DEADLY PLANS they’ve
already launched. I have MARKED each one for JUDGMENT and JUSTICE, and it
will come as surely as the sun will rise tomorrow. Everything I have SEEN them do,
every word of HATRED for you and REBELLION against Me, and every FUTURE
scheme they are planning is CATALOGED in the courtroom of Heaven. When that
book is opened by My hand, GREAT and SEVERE JUDGMENT will fall because they
are GUILTY of GREAT and SEVERE EVIL. Nothing has ESCAPED My notice and
EVERYTHING will be used AGAINST them to bring JUSTICE to you and to the world
they tried to SUBJUGATE. I also SEE, HEAR, and KNOW your every KIND DEED done
out of love for Me. I HEAR your PRAYERS, your WORSHIP, your WARFARE, and your
words that BLESS and build up others. I KNOW the DEEP DESIRES and DREAMS of
your heart. These are also CATALOGED in Heaven, and they will be REWARDED and
Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


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