February 17, 2023

“There is a LONGING in the hearts of My people to SEE MY GLORY fall on the earth, on their nation, on their movement, on their church, on their gatherings, and on their household. There is an INSTINCTIVE KNOWING that My GLORY brings the POWER and PRESENCE of My Kingdom. DARKNESS, DISEASE, SIN, and TRAUMA cannot remain in the presence of My GLORY. The reason My GLORY has this impact is because you cannot have my GLORY without also having My HOLINESS. HOLINESS AND GLORY are INTERTWINED, and YOU CAN’T HAVE ONE WITHOUT THE OTHER. My HOLINESS spotlights SIN, STRIFE, SELFISH AMBITION, and UNCLEANNESS. HOLINESS prepares the way for GLORY to be RELEASED. The new Jesus Revolution you see growing is BEGINNING with a WAVE OF HOLINESS. This INSPIRES REPENTANCE, AWE-FILLED WORSHIP, and the QUIETNESS OF HEART that awe creates. You will see My GLORY WAVES begin to follow My HOLINESS, and HEALINGS, DELIVERANCES, and CREATIVE MIRACLES will SWEEP in. Tune CAREFULLY to My heart because I AM also calling you to ALIGN with My HOLINESS so that you can be FILLED with My GLORY. SURRENDER it ALL to Me, and ALIGN your heart with My heart. Your WHOLEHEARTEDNESS in OBEYING the PROMPTINGS of My Spirit are a very important part of the WAR against the darkness. You cannot completely SLAY your spiritual enemies if part of that enemy DWELLS in you. Don’t be AFRAID of SURRENDER—you WILL NOT LOSE who you are. No! You will GAIN the BEAUTY, FREEDOM, and FULFILLMENT of ALL you were made to be, and you will be FILLED with My GLORY. Holiness and glory—YOU CAN’T HAVE ONE WITHOUT THE OTHER.”
Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


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