March 25, 2023

“One of the Holy Spirit’s greatest powers is THE POWER TO TRANSFORM. He hovered over creation and brought ORDER and LIGHT into the CHAOS and DARKNESS. He set in MOTION our plan of TRANSFORMATION POWER into the earth. This is why every year you see the MIRACLE of a dead, cold winter landscape come ALIVE, turn GREEN, display colorful BLOSSOMS, and bring forth FRUIT—it is THE POWER TO TRANSFORM in a visual, tangible way. My Spirit also has THE POWER TO TRANSFORM human lives from the DARKNESS and LIFELESSNESS of sin to a NEW CREATION of ever-increasing LIGHT. The earth has no say in whether or not it RESPONDS to THE POWER OF TRANSFORMATION, but you, the CROWN of My creation, you above all other created things, have a CHOICE whether to receive and COOPERATE with THE POWER OF TRANSFORMATION. You determine how much ROOM you make in your life for My Spirit’s POWER TO TRANSFORM. YIELDING and SURRENDERING to My Spirit are key, as He works in your life to CLEAN OUT the old and REPLACE it with NEWNESS, LIFE, and LIGHT. Do you want to SHINE for Jesus? Then WELCOME My Spirit’s EXCHANGE PROGRAM—you surrender the TRASH: unforgiveness, grudges, offenses, bitterness, control, and He will EXCHANGE these for FREEDOM, LIGHT, and POWER. When you HOLD ONTO things like bitterness and control, they are like PADLOCKS on doors of OPPORTUNITY and FULFILLMENT. You have the KEY to OPEN up your life to the Spirit’s POWER TO TRANSFORM—don’t hang onto the TRASH any longer! It BURDENS your life with darkness and actually STOPS My hand from RELEASING JUSTICE and RESTORATION to you. Choose to give Me the TRASH in your life, and I will give you the BRILLIANT EXCHANGE of FREEDOM, LIGHT, and POWER. Fully EMBRACE the Spirit’s POWER TO TRANSFORM.”
Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. It's time to clean house! Spring cleaning has begun!

  2. This confirmed so many Holy Spirit words to me. God is so absolutely good! Hallelujah!

  3. May I quote this on my blog? I would, of course, include your page as the source.

    1. You may quote this on your blog as long as you include the source. Blessings!

    2. Thank you so much! God bless you, and thank you so much for all the wonderful works you do for His kingdom and glory!

    3. Thanks for your encouragement!

  4. May God bless you for your obedience Diana! What a great honor and privilege to receive these words from the Lord.


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