April 17, 2023


“The world sees SURRENDER to Me as WEAK and RESTRICTIVE. They have been LIED to by the enemy, and their own REBELLIOUS fleshly thinking. Remember that My Kingdom is the OPPOSITE of world kingdoms. The world values FAME, MONEY, and CONTROL. When you seek these things instead of SEEKING Me and My Kingdom, the enemy TWISTS these desires into GREED and CORRUPTION, and the result is a DARKENED HEART. The enemy has BLINDED the world to the POWER OF A LAID DOWN LIFE for Me. Whatever you SURRENDER to me becomes INFUSED with the POWER of the RESURRECTION, and these lives bring LIFE wherever they go. You will not LOSE who you are by LAYING DOWN YOUR LIFE for Me—oh, no, you will become ALL YOU WERE MEANT TO BE. I make your WEAKNESSES your STRENGTHS. I take your STRENGTHS and BLEND them with My GLORY, and you will SHINE for Me. THE LAID DOWN LIFE will be given My ABUNDANT SUPPLY without the STRIVING and the TEARING DOWN of others so you can succeed. THE LAID DOWN LIFE receives HONOR, ABUNDANCE, and AUTHORITY. If you have not taken the step of LAYING DOWN YOUR LIFE for Me, I would INVITE you to do that. It will be the WISEST most POWERFUL DECISION of your life. You will experience TRUE KINGDOM LIVING, and the POWER to BRING the KINGDOM into others’ lives. THE LAID DOWN LIFE finds TRUE FREEDOM.”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. This truly hits my heart!!! I feel this word is the best arguement for why we should all give our lives to Jesus and our Heavenly Father!!! God is taking on the pressure of all your challenges and guiding you along as you serve Him, I believe!!! Thank You Jesus!!! Thank You Almighty God!!!

    1. Agree and Receive! Thank You, Dear One! And, as ALWAYS, Thank YOU, Ms.Larkin, for delivering these Words that ARE PERSONAL TO US! I remain GRATEFUL!

  2. I’m so blessed that you were encouraged!


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