April 18, 2023


“My PROMISES often contain CLUES or CODE that need to be DECIPHERED. Many will STUMBLE over My promises because they place their own TIMEFRAME on the FULFILLMENT of My words and then they are DISAPPOINTED and DISHEARTENED when it does not come to pass when they thought it should. A good example would be the ‘FALL OF THE FALL’ that I have promised. Realize that I AM OUTSIDE OF TIME and when I speak of a season, it will be put in the PRESENT TENSE because I see it happening in your future. Instead of being FRUSTRATED or WORRIED because it hasn’t yet happened, be CONFIDENT that it WILL TAKE PLACE just as I have spoken and at the EXACT RIGHT TIME. Seek Me for DEEPER understanding of what I’m promising. You JOIN YOUR FAITH to My PROMISES and CALL THEM FORTH into FULFILLMENT. Waiting EXPECTANTLY allows FAITH ROOTS to GROW DEEP, and it DRAWS you CLOSE to My heart to HEAR My voice. Meanwhile, your enemy is THROWN into FRANTIC MOVES trying to figure out when the SHOE WILL DROP. Your heart LEARNS to REST in Me in COMPLETE CONFIDENCE, while your enemy is DRIVEN to FOOLISH DECISIONS that continue to WEAKEN them. Always VIEW My PROMISES THROUGH MY CHARACTER and that will help you READ BETWEEN THE LINES.”
PROVERBS 25:2 “God conceals the revelation of His word in the hiding place of His glory. But the honor of kings is revealed by how they thoroughly search out the deeper meaning of all that God says.” (TPT)
Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


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