April 20, 2023


The Father said, “UNLOCK THE DOOR.” I saw a vision of a locked closet door. The Father told me FAITH was the KEY to unlocking the door. I found a KEY in my hand, and I UNLOCKED THE DOOR. As I opened the door, all kinds of amazing things began to pour out. The closet was completely full to the top.

The Father said:
“As world systems that you have DEPENDED on undergo CLEANSING and REORDERING, do NOT FEAR that you will suffer LACK. If you FEAR LACK, you will DRAW that to you. Do not ALLOW FEAR to SHAPE YOUR FUTURE. I can PROVIDE for you through men’s systems, but I can also PROVIDE from My STOREHOUSES in Heaven. My STOREHOUSES NEVER EMPTY OUT, so you have no need to WORRY, FRET, or FEAR. You have a KEY to OPEN the VAST RICHES of Heaven and that KEY is your FAITH. I AM INVITING you to UNLOCK THE DOOR to the Kingdom of Heaven and to RECEIVE all that I have STORED UP for you. I will PROVIDE MORE THAN ENOUGH so that you will have PLENTY TO SHARE with those in need. In these days of GREAT CHANGE and TURNAROUND, it is VITAL that you stay in FAITH and REJECT FEAR. Stay CLOSE to My heart, TALK things over with Me, ALLOW My Spirit to LEAD you, and look forward to the MIRACLES of PROVISION that are coming to your life! UNLOCK THE DOOR!”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. Wow! I needed that word today! Thank you, Father! My husband had a stroke a couple of weeks ago and now we have no income coming in. We are a 1 income family becuse I am home with our 5 kids. I know God is Jehovah Jireh and he will provide for me and my family no matter what is going on!

    1. My prayers are WITH YOU AND YOUR FAMILY, Dear Lady! God BLESS You MIGHTILY!

    2. Praying for you!!!

    3. Praying for full recovery for your husband and supernatural finances!

    4. Thank you so much for the prayers! 💗

  2. Praying for a speedy recovery and Gods mighty hand of provision to see you and your family through these difficult times. Blessings!

  3. LORD, GOD, ALMIGHTY! here we are; as we are. seize this day and opportunity to conform us to the image of the SON. in the LIGHT of YOUR GLORY of Your Presence there is no lack and no sickness, no lies, no darkness. Let Your GLORY be seen in us and in our children and our children's children! Guide us with Your eye along the narrow way! You are our portion!


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