I was prompted to look back in my older journals from 2018, and I found this entry where the Father spoke to me about the Q Team. I found an entry for 10/28/18–one year after Q began posting. I wasn’t asking the Father about Q—I wasn’t even thinking about it, but this is what He spoke to me that morning:

10/28/18 “I want you to know that the Q Team seeks Me for WISDOM and TIMING, and they have My HEART for this Nation. They are just men, but they are CONVEYING My heart for this Nation. Their message of JOINING into ONE HEART and ONE VOICE and PARTNERING with Me in PRAYER is giving HOPE to those who are AWAKENED and it is giving PURPOSE to those willing to FIGHT for the DESTINY of your Nation. Let FAITH ARISE that the LIGHT can and will OVERCOME the darkness and that TRUTH will REPLACE the LIES that now FILL your airwaves. More people are AWAKENING every day, and they are JOINING the ranks of a GROWING ARMY that DEMANDS TRUTH and RIGHTEOUSNESS of all spheres of society and an END to LIES, DECEPTION, and DESTRUCTION of the darkness. Q Team is a TOOL I AM using to PIERCE the DARKNESS and to bring in the LIGHT of My GLORY to SHINE once again on this Nation.”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. WOW! This is wonderful! Elijah Streams had Praying Medic on today saying much of the same thing! Thank you Lord!

    1. It was a great show! I was led to follow Praying Medic for Q decodes.

  2. Thank you for this entire word, Lord and for Diana -- and for all of Dave Hughes' heavy lifting.


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