*Hold on while the storm passes over, and we will receive the Divine Exchange of blue skies and fresh air.

*Continue to call on the Father to arise from His Throne and to release His great power into the earth.

*We are invited to call forth living, breathing proofs of what He’s said will happen. Call forth: indictments of the wicked, righteous judges to rule in those cases. Say: show forth Your power O Lord, and remove wicked and compromised judges and leaders; close the mouth of lying Leviathan and bind it shut! Prove Your promises of healing, let it manifest in our bodies, our families, and our Nation.

*He is telling us to be bold in our faith and to call in the fulfillment of His promises. This kind of bold faith will mow down the enemy and cause His fulfillment to come flooding in.

*We are not to shrink back from intimidation and threats from the enemy but we are to confront darkness with the light of His truth and promises. Declare: your darkness is exposed, your lies are laid bare, and the light of God is piercing the web of lies, schemes, and is exposing and destroying them. Back up! Get off of My King’s territory! You have lost, we have won! We are to be bold, be strong, be courageous. We are to carry His promises as banners of victory and triumph into the battle. We win!

*We have an assignment to release the Host to carry out His plans and that the Host and Angels would protect the innocent and keep them out of harm’s way. We are not to get wimpy when we see His power move in the earth, but we are to fight by His side—we are not weaklings; we are called to conquer!

Diana Larkin

A Watchman's Journal 


  1. I am sensing that the band of righteous warriors is growing in numbers and strength, as we push back the darkness! Thank you, Lord, and thank you, Diana!

  2. Yes! Thank you, Diana! I look so forward to listening/viewing this new video! In the meantime, ALWAYS time to take ACTION! Praise God!

    1. So thankful for your encouragement and support!

  3. Yesterday I finally did what I just read to do and know it was the Holy Spirit prompting me..Letting God and letting God..Trusting Him and waiting for His perfect timing because its always the best way!!!
    Thank you for your divine nuggets they truly are a blessing and always timely..

  4. Thank you Diana, you have given me such peace and confidence in the Lord. Your Word are very encouraging and I love going back into the list of action items. This builds my strength. Thank you for your obedience and love for the Father.

    1. I so appreciate the encouragement and the partnering in prayer!

  5. I look forward to your posts each day and often use your podcasts as reinforcing the messages in the daily posts. I print off the action items and speak them in prayer. Thank you for you obedience in sharing the hope we have in Him. Your calm manner is assuring to me that you trust everything He is saying to you. Your artwork is powerful too. I pray for you and the other prophets of God. I enjoy your cheery sun porch and the colors you wear. You are a blessing to me. My name is Anna. I don't know what a URL is to fill it out so that I'm not anonymous.

    1. Thanks for your encouragement! Glad you found the right button, Anna!

  6. I found the URL, blessings to you today!


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