May 17, 2023

“Because you are made in My IMAGE, your VOICE has GREAT POWER. My VOICE SPOKE the worlds, the stars, the oceans, and the skies into EXISTENCE. Your VOICE has GREAT POWER as well to call forth LIFE, BLESSING, and HEALING. Because SIN entered your world, your VOICE can also SPEAK DEATH, DIVISION, and STRIFE. The WISE person YIELDS their VOICE to Me so that LIFE and BLESSING FLOW instead of DEATH and CURSING. There is GREAT POWER in your INDIVIDUAL VOICE, but when your VOICE is UNITED with other LIFE-FILLED Believers, you become a FORCE to be reckoned with. You can see the POWER of UNIFIED VOICES by looking at what the DARKNESS has achieved by BLASTING OUT LIES and SUBTERFUGE on the airwaves. They have CHANGED THE COURSE of a Nation with their LIES and INTIMIDATION. Can you say with Me, ‘ENOUGH!’ You have been LEARNING and you’ve come to REALIZE the POWER of SPEAKING TRUTH—as an INDIVIDUAL and as a GROUP OF UNIFIED BELIEVERS. It is time now for My HAMMER of JUDGMENT to DESTROY the LYING MEDIA, but I needed TRUTH-TELLERS in place to FILL THE GAP that will be created when I bring down Leviathan and all those who partnered with him. STEP INTO doors of opportunity that I open for you to be a TRUTH-TELLER. Share with HUMILITY and a CONVICTION ROOTED IN MY LOVE AND POWER. LEAVE BEHIND the ARGUMENTATIVE SPIRIT that just wants to PROVE YOU ARE RIGHT. That is PRIDE, and it does not accomplish My CLEAN and ENDURING TRUTH. Share TRUTH because you LOVE people and want to see them walking in FREEDOM and TRUTH. I will OPEN many different avenues for you to SHARE TRUTH, both as an individual and as a group with ONE HEART. It will be a DISPLAY of THE POWER OF ONE VOICE.”
Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. Love this word!!

  2. Hallelujah 🙏

  3. Words to ponder, serious-minded, to internalize and act upon! Thank you, Abba Father, for your timely Words, for your enduring, steadfast love and patience with us. And thank you for sending us your most humble, gracious, Mature, JOYFUL servant, Mrs. Diana Larkin! Hallelujah!

    1. You are a blessing. Ellen!

    2. Why, thank you, from my heart, Diana! This means means the World to me! As I admire and respect you greatly! Thank you for your Gifts as you manifest and share with us freely; praise God!

    3. Yes, praise our God!

  4. What hope for a brighter day?


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