May 19, 2023

“You have a saying, ‘BIRDS OF A FEATHER FLOCK TOGETHER.’ I want to use this expression to describe to you what I have been doing in your Nation these last few years. Those of LIKE CHARACTER, MOTIVES, and GOALS will be drawn together because they know it will INCREASE their IMPACT in life. Those who serve DARKNESS are NOISY, SCREECHING BLACK CROWS who STEAL and PLUNDER. My FLOCK of birds are of EVERY COLOR and SHAPE. Some have STRONG, CLEAR SONGS that provide direction and warning, and some have BEAUTIFUL SONGS that bring PEACE to hearts that hear them. Because My FLOCK are so VARIED and DIFFERENT, it can be a CHALLENGE to come into UNITY, but as My LOVE GROWS in each one’s heart, they leave behind JEALOUSY and SELFISH AMBITION to become a SHINING FORCE for the LIGHT. You may be WONDERING why it has taken SO LONG to EXPOSE the MURDER of CROWS and to TAKE THEM DOWN. Many of these CROWS had DISGUISED THEMSELVES as GOOD BIRDS. They CHIRPED like My FLOCK and HUNG OUT with them, but BEHIND CLOSED DOORS, they were really DARK-HEARTED CROWS who were set to BETRAY and DESTROY you. I needed to FLUSH these out into the OPEN where you could RECOGNIZE who they really were. I wanted you, My Army of Light, to SHARPEN your DISCERNMENT and to PARTNER with Me in calling for EXPOSURE, JUDGMENT, and JUSTICE for ALL the CROWS. As the DARK CROWS grow more and more DESPERATE, they are FORGETTING to put their MASKS on, and they are EXPOSING themselves. This time has been necessary to MATURE My FLOCK and to FLUSH OUT ALL the PRETENDERS. Now, you will see Me answer your UNIFIED call to EXPOSE ALL EVIL and to bring My JUDGMENT and JUSTICE in FULL FORCE. BIRDS OF A FEATHER REALLY DO FLOCK TOGETHER.”
Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. Hallelujah! This is wonderful news! Lord, expose the crows!!

  2. Praise God! Hallelujah!

  3. Lord is my witness. Lord is my redeemer. Lord is everything. So be it!

  4. Yes, Lord! Flush them out! Hallelujah!

  5. Waiting patiently on the Lord!

  6. YES, Lord! Appreciate this Word - ALL WORDS! - IMMENSELY! "You Go, Father"! Amen!

  7. The WAIT will be worth it, you said we would say. Then you said we had permission to ask you to PROVE IT! SO LORD, IN JESUS NAME "PROVE IT."
    SHOW UP,SHOW OFF,AND SHOW FORTH JUSTICE AND TRUTH. And we Thank You and Praise You and give You Glory and Honor. Hallelujah Glory To God Who Was,and Is And Is To Come. Praise You Jesus, Praise You Father and Holy Ghost. Glory, Honor and Praise To You.


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