May 25, 2023

ISAIAH 33:3 “The nations retreat at the sound of Your roaring voice. The nations scatter as You arise in Your majesty.” (TPT)

“I have declared to you that this is the SET TIME when I will ROAR over the nations, and I will ARISE to SAVE and to VINDICATE you. As blood-bought Sons and Daughters of the Kingdom, I want you to JOIN in My ROARING AND RISING. In your spirit you will HEAR Me ROAR, and you will SEE Me ARISE; and I want you to join Me in ENFORCING our ROARING and our RISING in the earth. ENFORCE My RULE over your life, your family’s lives, your neighborhood, your city, your state, and your Nation. ROAR out My DECREES of RESCUE and DEFEAT for every SCHEME of darkness, CAST OUT darkness by ARISING in the AUTHORITY and GLORY I have placed in you and REPLACE darkness with My LIGHT. Don’t be DISMAYED if there are HOTSPOTS of darkness that set some cities in TURMOIL and CHAOS. These have been MAJOR STRONGHOLDS of the darkness, and you have been EMPOWERED to ROAR over that darkness and to ARISE and DECLARE My LIGHT and PEACE to ROLL in and CHANGE the atmosphere of those places. I AM ROARING AND RISING—join Me, as we bring in a NEW ERA of PEACE and PLENTY.”

ISAIAH 33:6 “He will be your constant source of stability in changing times, and out of His abundant love He gives you the riches of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge. Yes, the fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure!” (TPT)

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal



  1. LET THE LION ROAR! As HE ARISES from His Throne! Hallelujah!

    1. Sheri Underwood
      This so confirms a dream I had on the 25th. I walked into a room full of the glory of the Lord and it was like my whole being was sealed with the Holy Spirit. A demon came at me and I stood right up to him and he ran. Then another came and was a little tougher but he ran also. I knew this “sealing” was the most important thing that had ever happened to me.


    3. It is wonderful how God is speaking to us in encounters, songs, and His words! What a season!

  2. YES, Diana - and All Here!


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