May 31, 2023


“Who doesn’t love a good MYSTERY? It CHALLENGES your skills in trying to SOLVE an intricate puzzle. This puzzle of My PLANS for this time you are living in comes WITHOUT a box. You don’t have anything to COMPARE this time or this PUZZLE to. You have a few sections put together that you can see CLEARLY, but where do the other pieces fit? I have REVEALED to you that when the puzzle is completed, it will result in a VICTORIOUS future BRIGHT with HOPE and PROMISE. The part of the puzzle you’re working on right now has some VERY DARK parts that must be pieced together to show the world the CORRUPTION and PERVERSION that have been disguised and hidden. Don’t just FOCUS on the DARK pieces, but LOOK for the PROMISED LIGHTER pieces that will show the CLASH of DARK to LIGHT, and the TRIUMPH of My RESCUE OPERATION. Keep seeking Me for CLUES as to what piece comes next, and My RESCUE OPERATION that is CLOAKED IN MYSTERY will be REVEALED to you piece by piece. As whole sections come together, you’ll be SURPRISED at what you discover. You’ll say, ‘Wait, he/she is a GOOD GUY?!’ No way, he/she is really of the DARKNESS?!’ If you build CLOSELY with Me, I will give you PROPHETIC GLIMPSES of the COMPLETED puzzle so that you are PREPARED for what is coming and can help others PROCESS the UNVEILING of DARK to LIGHT. I AM inviting you to DISCOVER what is CLOAKED IN MYSTERY and to help Me UNCOVER and BUILD a VICTORIOUS FUTURE. What is CLOAKED IN MYSTERY is My invitation for you to PURSUE, DISCOVER, and RECOVER ALL.”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. "Back in the Day," during my employment as a Senior Court Reporter for The State of New York, one of the tenets of each Justice's Jury Instructions to their Jury, prior to their deliberations, was the admonition to RESERVE FINAL DECISION concerning their Decision until AFTER ALL THE EVIDENCE was in! RESERVE DECISION! Same principle espoused by The Father here!

    1. Thanks for the confirmation of the Father’s words thru your experiences in the natural!

  2. I have been feeling that the Lord is revealing dark pieces of the puzzle to me and lighter ones as well. He has given me the ability to understand the level of evil operating in our world today. At first, I couldn't understand why I was seeing these things that so many others refused to acknowledge. Then yesterday it occurred to me that God wants me to see the truth so I can be there when others find out what's really going on. He reveals it to me a little at a time so as not to overwhelm me. He told me to look to the light and focus on his face. That's how I get through the task of learning more truth. I now look at this unveiling as a trust from God in me that I can handle it, and that he will use me to help my family and friends during darker times. Praise God!

    1. Thanks for sharing your experience that so confirms this word! I totally agree with you and believe God will use you to help others with the disclosures of evil. He is so good!


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