*We know that the Father wants to interact with us on an intimate basis, but He also wants us to acknowledge, recognize, and support with our prayers and decrees other aspects of His character—He is the Thundering God. We are to call forth the appearing of the Thundering God and decree, “We welcome Your coming to reclaim this Land as Your territory!”

*He is inviting us to DISCOVER what is CLOAKED IN MYSTERY and to help Him UNCOVER and BUILD a VICTORIOUS FUTURE. What is CLOAKED IN MYSTERY is His invitation for you to PURSUE, DISCOVER, and RECOVER ALL.”

*Keep crying out for justice in our Land with great hope that He has promised to bring the government of God to the earth.

*Fight on Army of Light, He wants us to know it’s all going to be worth it, as He displays before the world that He makes all things new.

* Kingdom Age? Many prophets feel like we entered the Kingdom age in 2012. It’s still in an immature state, but it is growing and strengthening as God’s Sons and Daughters rise up and operate in their authority, won by Jesus on the cross. This doesn’t do away with the Church, but it becomes part of a bigger picture of actually bringing the rule and reign of the King to the earth in a tangible way—signs, wonders, miracles, and Kingdom ways influencing all 7 mountains of society.

*We have been told to oppose and bring to nothing the enemy’s manufactured storms, rumors of war, attacks on economy, food, water, and our health. We are to replace these dark systems with systems of light.

*Discernment of which storms are enemy storms and which storms are God storms will come by reading His Word with new eyes, by practicing deep communion with Him, resting in His presence, and learning to hear His voice. We are never to leave behind this great treasure of closeness and dependence on Him.

*As rats turn to weasels, we are to intercede for them that they will turn their hearts and lives to God. Also pray protection over these weasels, as their firsthand testimony of the darkness will validate truth-tellers and awaken the still slumbering.

Diana Larkin

A Watchman's Journal 


  1. Recently had a dream about lots of small wet black rats were in a bed I was lying in and got out of. Got the impression they were newborns. My feelings were to get out but I wasn't as frightening as I know I would have been in reality. Can anyone figure what this could mean?

    1. Rats represent unclean things in dreams. These are small, so just beginning to try and influence you—maybe in the area of intimacy with God (your bed where you rest and should be safe). Ask Holy Spirit if these are issues being sent against you or if you may have accidentally left a door open somewhere that unclean things could attach to you. Your response in the dream was very good—no fear, just getting out of there!

  2. These Action Items are, as always, exceedingly worthy of deep contemplation, implementation, study and ACTION! Praise God!

    1. Thanks for your encouragement, Ellen!


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