*Leviathan is a cruel taskmaster, so don’t take the bait of doubting God’s power and His goodness. Guard your mind and your heart from Leviathan’s doubts and taunts. Choose to remain in faith, believing God is who He says He is and that He will do what He has promised to do.

*We are to receive, walk in, and exercise the release of His fire.

*Have no fear, your God is here!

*Take heart, the great turnaround has begun.

*We are to keep holding the line of freedom, keep demanding justice, do not buy into evil reports that cause fear, continue to live under the protection of the blood covenant that we have through Jesus.

*We are to cry out, “Make way! Make way! The King of Glory is coming through! We prepare the way when we have hearts of humility, prayer, worship, and fasting.

*Declare: “My God is coming to make way for righteousness and justice to once more rule over our Nation.” Decree: “Dark powers, you are being run over by the thundering power of God, and you will be consumed by His glory fire.”

*Welcome His glory fire to do its good work in us and to burn up the evil strongholds that have held our Nation captive.

*Lift up our voices in the presence of the lies being spewed by the enemy and declare: “Our God is coming to rescue us! Prepare your hearts to be ready to receive His glory fire when it falls.

*Holy Spirit will show us what needs to be removed from our lives—stumbling blocks; mountains of pride or delusion; valleys of shame, fear, depression; rough places of anger or unforgiveness. Make a smooth highway into our hearts so that we will receive the maximum glory fire to fill our temple.

*We are to wake up to our authority and power as Sons and Daughters of the Kingdom, we are to freely shine our indwelling lights into the darkness, because the light in us releases love, salvation, and healing—it breaks the power of darkness and terrorizes it. We are to become a terror to the enemy.

Diana Larkin

A Watchman's Journal


  1. Your daily word is always so uplifting. Thanks be to God for how He is using you.

  2. Amen and Hallelujah ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

  3. Whew hooo!!! Praise HIS MIGHTY POWERFUL NAME!!! Let’s be Heavenly terrorists to the enemy’s army of darkness!!

  4. Daddy God bless Diana and all YOUR prophets and protect them with a wall of fire! Let the voices of the bashers mouths be SHUT in Jesus mighty Name!!

  5. thank you for delivering words about the spiritual fire released, the upgrade. Diana, do you believe you can command angels?

  6. sister Diana, I ask about your stance on commanding angels because of the teachings of Kevin Zadai that we do not command angels; if you don't mind, I'll copy and paste his words here:
    The angels don’t come to you asking for your opinion. They are soldiers, they have been given their orders, they harken to the voice of God, they do His bidding. They are not waiting for your command, they have already got their command.
    Kevin also spoke here:
    time marker 2:11:40 and following
    I have more of a reverence for angels, and they pretty much don’t ask me anything. They tell me: this is what we’re doing. And they need me to verbalize and agree with it because I am in the physical [realm] and I am a human being, and because I have more authority, they need me to unlock things on the earth.

    The Spirit of God will have us SAY THINGS - and the angels, like “BAM” - they get permission TO DO IT.


    I would work WITH them, and find out what the Spirit is doing and saying

    1. I don’t think we can tell the Host what to do. We only say what the Father tells us to say. Our decrees and declarations send them on assignment.

  7. then, in the same message, Kevin says:
    So you have to watch your words.
    Because as soon as you say something -
    The angels are told “this is what the plan is” and so they are wanting to work WITH you.
    You have to give God “permission” (by using your mouth) and then they get permission. Certain things are OUR responsibility - to BIND AND LOOSE.

    So I will never accept what governments are doing to babies - so I FORBID IT, in my spirit. Then angels come alongside and they HAVE A PLAN on how we can affect the outcome of what is going on.


    According to Scripture, angels didn’t even want to talk to Joshua. He was the leader, taking all the Israelites up the valley. And the angel didn’t even claim to be “with” them.
    (Joshua 5)
    13 And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted his eyes and looked, and behold, a Man stood opposite him with His sword drawn in His hand. And Joshua went to Him and said to Him, “Are You for us or for our adversaries?”
    14 So He said, “No, but as Commander of the army of the Lord I have now come.”
    And Joshua fell on his face to the earth and worshiped, and said to Him, “What does my Lord say to His servant?”
    15 Then the Commander of the Lord’s army said to Joshua, “Take your sandal off your foot, for the place where you stand is holy.” And Joshua did so.
    I have had angels suggest that either I am with them; or get out of the way.

  8. praying in the Spirit for your protection now.


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