June 1, 2023
“The darkness thinks their TWO-TIERED JUSTICE SYSTEM is UNBREAKABLE and IMPENETRABLE. After all, they have STOLEN the HIGHEST SEAT of JUSTICE in the Land, and they have their PUPPET installed who will STOP any investigation that might HARM the darkness, and he will support the LYING allegations against the RIGHTEOUS. If you are looking on with just human eyes, you could become very ANGRY and FRUSTRATED. Man’s anger does not accomplish My RIGHTEOUSNESS; it only serves to DRAIN you emotionally and makes you easy pickings for enemy ARROWS of DEPRESSION and HOPELESSNESS. Let Me assure you that I VALUE TRUE JUSTICE even more than you do. JUSTICE is part of My character, and because I SEE and KNOW ALL, My JUSTICE is FAIR and WITHOUT PARTIALITY. It is good to speak out against INJUSTICE and to SUPPORT the voices in leadership who are calling for TRUE JUSTICE. However, the WISE will not get SUCKED into MAN’S ANGER. Your Nation’s justice system is in such DISREPAIR that man ALONE CANNOT FIX IT. Your CRIES to Me for JUSTICE in your Land have reached My Throne, and I AM PROMISING you that THE GOVERNMENT OF GOD IS COMING TO THE EARTH. That’s right, I AM INVADING your darkened government and justice systems with My HAMMER of JUDGMENT and My GAVEL of JUSTICE. A TSUNAMI of My GOVERNMENT will RUSH OVER your Nation EXPOSING and DEPOSING all CREEPY, LAWLESS EVIL-DOERS who CHEATED their way into power. What were once FORMIDABLE, UNBEATABLE foes will be SWEPT out of place by My EXPOSURE and the POWER of My RIGHTEOUS right arm. Keep on CRYING OUT for JUSTICE in your Land with GREAT HOPE that I have PROMISED to bring THE GOVERNMENT OF GOD TO THE EARTH. I AM UNSTOPPABLE.”
Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 



  1. Amen! Thanks be to God!

    1. πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»❤️

  2. Hallelujah! Waiting patiently on the Government of God!

  3. Amen, thank you, Lord!
    Diana, I want to share that this morning during prayer this is what the Lord showed me- it was a darkroom, and all of a sudden someone turned on the light on a tall floor lamp and when the lights came on, there were hundreds of creepy crawlers, roaches, etc. scattered all over the place trying to get away from the light. And I said you can't hide from God. And the vision disappeared. I thought wow that's awesome the Lord is exposing every one of them, hallelujah! God is good and He is faithful.

    1. I believe several prophets envisioned this too! Donna Rigney? Barry Wunsch? Powerful vision! Thank You for sharing!

    2. Very powerful vision! I do believe that is what is going to happen!

  4. Dear Diana, thank you for all your work! Please pray for me and my husband, as we will be traveling to my native country Greece until the 22nd of June, exploring our next step in life and our missionary work in an island with refuges. As we prepare for our trip Mark discovered kidney stones that need to have a surgery after we come back and I am dealing with an infection for a couple of weeks, plus a strained back. We pray that our missionary work can not be stopped or interfered and we will be able to make through... We are also afraid that the EBS and days of darkness may happen during our trip, again we trust in God and hope that we will be able to accomplish what we need and we will be back safe. I haven't been back to my country for 11 years and I have tried three times now in the rest couple of years with no success. I have a sister who even though she means well she is dealing with witchcraft and I have a feeling that she doesn't want me back. I pray that no weapon against me can prosper, but please send us your support. Thank you so much!

    1. Dear MaroDe, I am praying for you too!

    2. Father, I am releasing mega protection, mega miracles, mega strength, mega wisdom, and mega breakthrough for this couple, in Jesus’ name and by the power of His blood!

  5. Praise the Lord

  6. Thank You Jesus! And thank you Sister Diana :)

  7. JUSTICE for the Righteous - JUDGEMENT for the Wicked! Vengeance is His!

  8. I’m adding my prayers for the couple traveling to Greece. The Armor of God’s protection breaking every stronghold and demonic interference. Complete healing for both in Jesus nameπŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»


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