June 24, 2023

“The world right now does not hold My people in HIGH REGARD. The enemy has SPREAD LIES about you and painted a picture of you as being WEAK and INEFFECTIVE. Sadly, much of the Church has BOUGHT INTO this LIE, and they believe the ONLY ANSWER to the RISING DARKNESS is to be SNATCHED OUT OF IT and taken to Heaven. Do not BUY INTO this DISEMPOWERING, DESTINY-STEALING DOCTRINE OF DEMONS. My Son won COMPLETE VICTORY over SIN, DEATH, and HELL. When you SURRENDER your life to Him, MY Spirit EMPOWERS you with the SAME ANOINTING that He carries. Are you not now Sons and Daughters through the BLOOD of My Son? You are now CO-HEIRS of ALL He is, ALL He won, and you are now COMMISSIONED to share the treasures of LOVE, WISDOM, and FREEDOM that you have INHERITED. LOVE, WISDOM, and FREEDOM will continue to grow in you, as you DRAW NEAR to Me, EAT of My Word, and WORSHIP Me with all your heart. The world and the enemy have told you that what you say or do doesn’t REALLY MATTER all that much. The TRUTH is the OPPOSITE of that! You CARRY the VERY PRESENCE of your God in you, and the LIGHT that you carry causes darkness to BOW and to FLEE. My LIGHT in you is LOVE, WISDOM, and FREEDOM RELEASED to the world through your PRAYERS, DECREES, ACTIONS, and EVERYPLACE the soles of your feet walk. Be AWARE of carrying My PRESENCE and CONSCIOUSLY RELEASE it wherever you go and whatever you do. Can you see that My RISING REMNANT is already IMPACTING the darkness? They are being EXPOSED and will be brought to JUSTICE. You are not WEAK and INEFFECTIVE, you are the WALKING POWER and LIFE of your God, and you are called to release LOVE, WISDOM, and FREEDOM into the world of DARKNESS, CONFUSION, and BONDAGE. SHINE FOR ME, EMPOWERED ONES!”
Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. May we all see the Truth, the Way and the Light 🕯️

  2. Amen and Hallelujah!!!

  3. Thank you Jesus. You are my rock. Amen ,Amen.

  4. Amen and amen! Blessed be the name of HaShem! Let the word of the Lord be unto me and my family. This word is complete confirmation. Last night my husband and I were led by Holy Spirit to attend a Friday night prayer meeting with Pastor Jack and Pastor Donna Rigney and the brethren. Pastor Donna was releasing the Lord's Kavod (glory) on every person at the meeting. You could feel waves of his glory flowing upon Father's children. Holy Spirit convicted me through Pastor Donna's teaching to release the glory wherever you go. Today, Ruach Adonai told me to release the glory to a friend of mine and her husband. I did not release the glory right away until I was convicted not to wait after reading the word spoken written through our precious sister Diana Larkin, which stated, "Be AWARE of carrying My PRESENCE and CONSCIOUSLY RELEASE it wherever you go and whatever you do. Diana, thank you for taking the time to be in the presence of the Lord and literally giving us downloads of golden nuggets! May the Lord bless you with a thousand fold return and more for your obedience to the MASTER in Yeshua's holy name! Amen! I thank God for you!!!

  5. Amen God is good all the time 🙏


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