June 28, 2023


“IMAGINE a day when news media gives an ACCURATE, UNBIASED REPORT. IMAGINE a day when the MAJORITY of reporting is GOOD NEWS that lifts peoples’ hearts instead of a CONSTANT STREAM of NEGATIVE REPORTS that stir up FEAR and DIVISION. IMAGINE the day when you won’t need to see a doctor very often because the FOOD you eat and the ENVIRONMENT you live in will PROMOTE A CYCLE OF HEALTH. IMAGINE the day when your FINANCES EASILY COVER all your needs, and you have an OVERFLOW to SHARE with others. IMAGINE a day when going to a church meeting means you will ENCOUNTER My PRESENCE and My GLORY and SIGNS and WONDERS will ALWAYS FLOW. No more DRY meetings when only the MIND of man is being fed with LITTLE or NO EFFECT on their SOULS or SPIRITS, and where the POWERFUL WORKINGS of My Holy Spirit are REJECTED because they CANNOT CONTROL them. IMAGINE a day when DARK SCHEMES of the enemy and ENDLESS FRIVOLOUS LAWSUITS are NO MORE, and PEACE and REST enter your Land. WATCH, as every LIE and everything they have LAUNCHED against you is BLOWN BACK UPON THEM by My BREATH. IMAGINE when the DEEP DARKNESS is SILENCED and REMOVED from power because that day IS COMING. I offer you FREEDOM today to IMAGINE the GOOD FUTURE that I have for you. IMAGINE…”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. amen do it now Lord! do it now!!

  2. Yes Lord Let your will be done and Thanks Father and Jesus and Holy Spirit.

  3. My enemies have met their match. Now meet your Maker! Let's see what you make your Maker do enemies!!!

  4. I'm looking forward to those church meetings. And the healthy food. Thank You, Lord!

  5. Ah, yes! The destruction of the evil empire!

  6. Thank you, Lord!

  7. Amen, amen, amen! Thank you, Father!

  8. Thank you Diana. Your time and sharing heart are much appreciated. I look forward to what our Lord says through you. Blessings to all God's children.

    1. Thank you for your very kind encouragement! Blessings!


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