July 31, 2023

“I have dropped this phrase into your heart this morning. I want it to become your PRAYER and your FERVENT CRY to Me. Your Nation has been called, ‘Land of the free, home of the brave,’ and also, ‘Land of the free because of the brave.’ It is true that FREEDOM is born of BRAVERY. It takes COURAGE to REFUSE to BOW to TYRANNY and to not EXCHANGE FREEDOMS for DECEPTIVE PROMISES of ‘SAFETY’ or ‘PROVISION’ with CORDS of CONTROL attached to it. You CANNOT have FREEDOM without BRAVERY. You have an enemy who HATES your FREEDOM, and he will use every WILE and TACTIC to ROB you of your FREEDOM. COMPLACENCY and APATHY are his PLAYGROUND, and he will SOW his seeds of WORLDLY PLEASURES and SPIRITUAL APATHY into WEAK hearts and minds. This is the present state of many in your Nation. You, My Army of Light, have AWAKENED to the CREEPING DARKNESS and DECEPTION, and you have taken up SPIRITUAL ARMS against the enemy of all FREEDOM. You have been walking in a MEASURE of BRAVERY as you have faced the GIANTS of DESPAIR and DOOM and have REFUSED to BOW to them. You have COURAGEOUSLY spoken TRUTH and maintained TRUTH in your own hearts and lives. TRUTH always leads to FREEDOM. As the darkness APPEARS to be WINNING, I need you to be even MORE BRAVE and COURAGEOUS so that those around you DO NOT GIVE UP OR GIVE IN. They will be RUDELY AWAKENED by My Rescue Operation, but before I act for the world to see, I AM calling you to PRESS into FREEDOM and VICTORY, and to ANNOUNCE My plans to those of FEARFUL hearts. As events RAMP up, I AM asking you to come to Me for an UPGRADE in your COURAGE. Ask Me, ‘MAKE ME BRAVE,’ and I will POUR My STRENGTH into you and LIGHT the FIRES of FREEDOM even BRIGHTER in your heart. ‘MAKE ME BRAVE!’
Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. Indeed, endow me with Spiritual Bravery Lord! 🙏🏻

  2. May the Lord make us, you and I, to be brave, that we may help others who don't know what's happening and what's coming, to have faith and be brave also.

  3. After reading this entry this song came to my heart!! SOOO GOOD ---- by Chris McClarney "God of Miracles"... ck it out, it will BLESS YOU :)

  4. Oh God of our fathers, make me brave. You made David brave against Goliath. You gave Yeshua fortitude to fulfill your promise. Do it again, I ask. Make all of us who claim your name and do your will, brave. Amen


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