July 4, 2023


“I AM the God of COVENANT, and My covenants are EVERLASTING. They never RUN OUT, they don’t have A LIMIT, and they DON’T EXPIRE. The COVENANT of SALVATION will EXTEND its POWER and GRACE over you for ALL of ETERNITY. My COVENANT with Israel and with your Nation EXTEND FOREVER, covering you for all of ETERNITY. You will always carry My BLESSING, My FAVOR, and My LIGHT. Whenever a Remnant in Israel CRIED OUT to Me in REPENTANCE and called on Me to RENEW My COVENANT that they had BROKEN by turning to IDOLS and FALSE GODS, I INTERVENED and SAVED them once again. Ezekiel and 7,000 faithful ones were all it took to TURN BACK their Nation from the EVIL and IDOLATRY that had TAKEN OVER the Land. Now a GROWING REMNANT is RISING in your Land, acknowledging the SINS of your Nation and coming out of AGREEMENT with them and CALLING OUT to Me for DELIVERANCE, for FREEDOM, and to be RE-ESTABLISHED as My COVENANT NATION. I have HEARD, I will ACT, and with GREAT POWER and MIGHT I will DRIVE OUT the darkness and RESTORE you as a COVENANT LAND—ONE Nation, UNDER God, with LIBERTY and JUSTICE for all. I AM RENEWING My EVERLASTING COVENANT with you. STAND STRONG, PUSH FORWARD, WE WIN!”
ISAIAH 61:8 For I, Yahweh, love fairness and justice, and I hate stealing and sin. I will rightly repay them because of My faithfulness and enter into an everlasting covenant with them. (TPT)

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. Such a happy word for 4th of July! Thank You, God!

  2. Our Father in Heaven is the most Awesome Living God !!!!

  3. Independence Day is here! Thank God for that!

  4. COVENANT NATIONS, TWO TEINS - JerUSAlem; Praise God! Thank YOU, Diana!

  5. Diana,
    I would like to thank you for your series on hearing God' s voice. I listened to each video and applied what you mentioned. I am struggling with some issues. I concentrated on him in complete silence as I do everyday but today. I really focused. He showed me several verses Joshua 1:9, Psalms54, Philippians 4:19 and Gen 1:26. He didn't say them but put them up as if i watching a movie. They really spoke to my heart. Thank you for your teachings. He filled me with complete peace and joy as well. My fuel for the day. Is there another way I can reach out to you? Thank you so much and I thank the Lord for utilizing you to bless his children


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