July 8, 2023

“FEAR and ANXIETY are DESTRUCTIVE EMOTIONS that have NEGATIVE PHYSICAL, EMOTIONAL, and SPIRITUAL CONSEQUENCES. Fear and anxiety cause you to be DOUBLE-MINDED in your FAITH, and it WEAKENS your ability to FIGHT, and you are ROBBED of your PEACE. FEAR and ANXIETY open you up to physical DISEASES (dis-ease) and to mentally being TORMENTED by DOUBTS and by the enemy. FEAR and ANXIETY are symptoms that you FEEL OUT OF CONTROL. Once you RECOGNIZE that this is a CONTROL ISSUE, then you can COMBAT these destructive emotions. SURRENDERING CONTROL over the areas that bring you FEAR and ANXIETY will RELEASE My PEACE and My PRESENCE into those areas, and I will PROVE Myself STRONG enough and WISE enough to be not only your PROTECTION, but your ABOUNDING PROVIDER and DELIVERER. Can you TRUST Me with your FINANCES? Can you TRUST Me with your UNBELIEVING spouse or your PRODIGAL children? Can you BELIEVE I will PROTECT and BLESS your FINANCES? Can you BELIEVE I AM coming to RESCUE your Nation from the GRIP of TYRANNY and DEMONIC LAWS? I AM that I AM, and nothing is too DIFFICULT for Me. When you SURRENDER CONTROL to Me, FALSE YOKES will DROP from your shoulders. It will RELEASE BURDENS too HEAVY for you to CARRY, and you will come into a FREEDOM and PEACE that bring LIFE, HEALTH, and STRENGTH to you body, soul, and spirit. You will feel LIGHTER, and your FAITH WILL SOAR. EMBRACE this life of FREEDOM and FAITH, and your FUTURE will be BRIGHT with HOPE.”
PROVERBS 3:5, 8 (TPT) Trust in the Lord completely, and do not rely on your own opinions. With all your heart rely on Him to guide you, and He will lead you in every decision you make. Then you will find the healing refreshment your body and spirit long for.
Diana Larkin, A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. Your journal is a blessing every day! I know God is blessing you !

    1. Thank you! Such encouraging words!

  2. Isn't He a good, good Father?

  3. Thank you, Father! And thank you, Diana! I really needed to hear these words today!

    1. Yay! So glad you were encouraged!

  4. My husband says, forgive me if I don't believe you ( me), but you've been telling me these things will come to pass for 3 years. Lord, I pray for him to see the Light! Your light!

    1. I can relate. My husband has no patience for my accelerated journey with God. It's not about me. He has his own "stuff" he doesn't want to deal with, and his reaction to my increased faith and time commitment to God is to put up walls between us. I'm praying for him, but having to stifle my excitement over God, around him, is difficult. It hurts that we can't share in something so important and awesome as this, which should be top priority in our marriage. I long for him to turn to God with all things and feel the love and peace I do.

    2. For both of you struggling with a lack of unity with your husband’s on spiritual matters—the Father sees and He hears and He knows the longing of your hearts to be heard, understood, and in unity with your husbands! This is a testing time of our love for others who don’t see what we see! God’s grace will help us to love them through this season until they receive the light of revelation!

    3. Thank you for that!

  5. Thank you, 3 Ladies, Diana, for your wise counsel! I am single; my Family is the same! Attempts last evening fell w/major criticism- im vulnerable believing “urban myths. God shall help them -we pray for them.✝️🙏🏻💖

    1. Keep shining and loving, Ladies, and God will vindicate all of you!!!


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