August 2, 2023


“The darkness has orchestrated a CRISIS POINT for your Nation. It is a TRAP they have laid to bring about your DESTRUCTION through a DEVASTATING ATTACK supposedly from another foreign power, but in REALITY, the attack is from TRAITORS among you. After this destructive BLOW, they have plans to start a WORLD WAR, launch several PLAGUES, and create FINANCIAL RUIN for you and your Nation. I AM laying these plans BARE before you so that you KNOW WHERE to FOCUS your DECREES and WARFARE against these evil plots and schemes. Here’s the MAIN IMAGE I want you to KEEP in your minds: you will see with your eyes the TRAP they have laid UNFOLDING, and it will LOOK LIKE it’s succeeding. COME UP WITH Me and see a BROADER VIEW of the battlefield. Prepared in SECRET and HIDDEN from view is My BIGGER TRAP that will be SPRUNG on their trap and plans. I will SWALLOW UP their WHOLE GRAND SCHEME IN ONE BIG BITE, as I CONSUME them with My HUGE RESCUE OPERATION. You need to STAY HIGHER with Me so that you see this HIDDEN TRAP that I have prepared, and you won’t give way to FEAR and throw up your hands in DESPAIR because you SEE MY REVEAL COMING and your FAITH will remain FIRMLY ANCHORED in My POWER, My PROMISES, and My REVELATIONS to you. LIVE IN THE BIGGER PICTURE OF MY HUGE RESCUE OPERATION, AND YOU WON’T BE TAKEN OUT BY FEAR OR UNBELIEF. FINISH WELL,My Army of Light. FINISH in FAITH and not FEAR. FINISH as an ENCOURAGER and not a DOUBTER. FINISH as a ROARING LION declaring VICTORY!”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. I declare in the name of Jesus that God’s rescue plan to push back the darkness comes forth now! I declare ALL the plans of the enemy for destruction null and void, including wars, sickness, plagues, financial ruin, or anything else he tries. I declare the destruction that our enemy tries falls on his own head, into the pit he digs for us he falls, in the name of Jesus. And I declare the blessings, the peace, the joy and the restoration of all things, and yes the love of God and His glory will fall on us, on all flesh, and on our nation in the name of Jesus. Amen and amen

    1. Amen! Thank you Diana and the commenter above!
      “if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
      ‭‭2 Chronicles‬ ‭7‬:‭14‬ ‭

    2. I agree! Thank you Diana! Did not get a chance to get into God’s WORD yet today. Just from Psalms 37. God bless you! Watched your newest video about the dream the former military guy had. God is so Awesome!

    3. Amen. I stand in agreement with you and all who are praying these words.

  2. Keep decreeing Psalm 35 against the enemies of Almighty God. This aligns with the "upper room" dream I had recently, as well.

  3. Sounds like 9/11 or something of that magnitude is being planned by the enemies of our country. I sure am thankful that Father God sees everything and is our Protector, Deliverer, Provider, Defender. All glory to our great good God and praise Him forevermore!!!!!!!

  4. WISE FAITH-FILLED ANOINTED COMMENTS! Received! Thank you, Diana! Thank you, Everyone!✝️🙏🏻✝️💖

  5. I heard another prophet had “seen” explosions in America not a nuclear but some different kind of bomb? We all must declare and decree against the wicked plans and help those asleep to wake to Gods plan🙏Thank you Diana for being a good servant of our Lord✝️✝️

    1. They had something 60000 thousand pounds of ammonium nitrate go missing off a train a month ago or so.

      That is 15 x as much as the Okc bomb in 1995

    2. I remember hearing about all those chemicals gone missing.

  6. I follow several prophets for by doing so God seems to be weaving a tapestry together. His word through each prophet is a part of the tapestry but as each part comes together it reveals a bigger picture and each one confirms the other.

    The attention to detail amazes me for in his goodness he lets his people know what is coming. He builds our faith and he gives us instruction and teaches how to join him in this fight. It is truly an incredible time to be alive and to partake in his plan. For years it seemed like the God of the Bible was just in the past but he truly is in the present. It is sad to know some cannot see this. I pray they will awaken to see and partake in His glory. Never could I have imagined I would live to see the hand of God in such awesome ways.

    1. Well-articulated - thank you, God Bless Everyone!

  7. I decree Goliath is taken down this day in Jesus Name. I decree all plots, schemes and plans of the wicked to make God's people ill is stopped, the one world govt is stopped, the lyng media stopped, all wars stopped. These plans all fall to the ground as dust and all access denied in Jesus Name. I decree all indictments against our rightful president fall on the accusers in Jesus Name. Let God's mighty right arm of Justice and Judgement remove them all. Let all the plans of the enemy fall back into the enemy's camp we blow it back on them now in the Name of Jesus. I declare God's people my family and all who love the Lord are covered in the Blood of Jesus and protected from all that goes on around us. We will be like in Goshen. When there is darkness, we will have light and be the light for others around us. Thank you Father God, our Provider, our Healer, our everything in Jesus Name Amen!

  8. ONLY God can save us from this:

  9. I’m in, let’s finish this Adonai! Thank You for our preservation, and thank you Diana for your Faithfulness, may Adonai Elohim shower you with the blessings it deserves! 🙏🏻

  10. Hi Diana u should have Kat kerr on sometime

  11. Thanks father, evil is done, let the truth out. God wins. Now let our incredibly strong and growing spirits follow God's word - the truth.

  12. This is so glorious - save god's children. Pleas give me grace knowing this pure evil.


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