August 24, 2023

“Because you have SOUGHT My FACE and LISTENED for My VOICE, I have shown you what DARKNESS has been doing for years in your Nation, and I’ve shown you their FUTURE EVIL SCHEMES that they plan to bring to pass. You’ve been EQUIPPED for BATTLE, and you are fighting VALIANTLY by My side. At this point, however, you are part of a REMNANT who have chosen to have EYES TO SEE and EARS TO HEAR. Much of the world is STILL UNDER the DELUSIONS and LIES of Leviathan, and they do not SEE what you see or HEAR what you hear. It’s almost like YOU ARE LIVING A DOUBLE LIFE—one with those who are AWAKE and one with those who are still ASLEEP. I promise you that this will CHANGE, as I UNCOVER the GROSS DARKNESS and DEEP EVIL that lurks behind FACADES and LIES. In the meantime, how do you KEEP YOUR BALANCE between these two worlds? ASK FOR and RECEIVE My GREATER GRACE. JAMES 4:6 (NASB) ‘But He gives a greater grace. Therefore, it says, God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble.’ JAMES 4:6 (TPT) ‘But He continues to pour out more and more grace upon us. For it says, God resists you when you are proud but continually pours out grace when you are humble.’ My GREATER GRACE will allow you to KEEP YOUR BALANCE as you move from your AWAKENED world back among the SLEEPERS. My GREATER GRACE will enable you to RELATE to them in LOVE and to be WILLING to SHARE in their world. When the RUDE AWAKENING  comes, they will FEEL FREE to enter your AWAKENED WORLD with you because you loved them enough to CONTINUE with them in their asleep world. In this unprecedented season, you will KEEP YOUR BALANCE by walking CLOSELY with Me in My GREATER GRACE and by allowing My LOVE to FLOW through you to those AWAKE and to those STILL ASLEEP. Instead of being constantly FRUSTRATED, you will find yourself at PEACE and operating from DEEP WELLS of COMPASSION that I have formed in you. I AM and will always be the BALANCE in your life.”
Diana Larkin, A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. Thank you Lord for these words that help me navigate my work place.

  2. Praise You, Father God!! Thank you!!!

  3. I love this real time intel…. It gives me so much peace!

  4. Thank you Lord, you always know just what we need and when.

  5. A very timely Word! Thank you Diana❤️

  6. Father, I thank you from the bottom of my heart! We could not have gotten through nor shall we continue to remain EMBOLDENED, as all intensifies, testing our COURAGE, our STRENGTH, our PERSEVERANCE, without YOU, Father God! For YOU equip us with ALL the necessary TOOLS to fight as Your Army of Lightbearers! God Bless All in these comments, all Diana's followers and Friends on all her social media platforms! And thank you a gazillion times for Diana, for her Spirit, her demeanor, all you've created her to be! She is in her moment, for You, for us! Hallelujah! We shall stay CLOSE TO YOU, Father!

  7. So thankful for these words of wisdom and encouragement!

  8. I was really going through a day of frustration yesterday, Aug 24th when a friend of mine sent this prophetic word to me. Thank you so much this help me so much. God Bless you

  9. Thank you God! So comforting! When you speak the Truth, they do roll their eyes or look at you like you are a simpleton. Soon they will be awake is what I tell myself😊❤️🙏🏻

  10. Thank you so much as having people I love dearly not seeing the evil and danger has been so painful, but I could tell trying to get them to see was not working so I turned to intercession instead. I look forward to their awakening so they can receive from God all He wants to give them.

  11. I really appreciate this Word. I must admit, at times I have felt beaten up emotionally by well meaning people about what I should be doing to fight against satan's strategies. I am sharing this in case people on here are in the same boat. Most of my prescious loved ones do not see nor believe the evil being exposed right now. Or the ones who do see it have given up hope that God will deliever us. It can be pretty lonely being the only one standingin the gap for your loved ones. I am interceding a lot for our nations, states, cities, and families, but because most around me are not seeing this yet, I believe God has asked me to be more private in my stands against satan's plans than public. I encourage us to check in with God to see what He is asking you to do, he told me my role is more interceding. It maybe different for others, but I bring this up to please lift up those in prayers that are in situations where they maybe the only ones aware of what satan is really up to and to pray for strength for them as well as clarity from God on how He is asking each of us to pray and obey God during this difficult season as we wait on the Lord. Bless you.


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