August 25, 2023


“I know how DIFFICULT this season has been both in WARFARE against the darkness and in NAVIGATING relationships with those around you who are still ASLEEP. You seem to be OUT OF STEP with much of the world, as you operate from Kingdom REVELATION and AUTHORITY. You have learned to VALUE My WORDS and PROMISES above being APPROVED by man. You DRAW your LIFE from Me and ENCOURAGEMENT from the Remnant that I have connected you to. In the face of DEATH agendas, DARK threats, and INTIMIDATION from the EVIL schemers, you have STOOD YOUR GROUND and DECLARED that the VICTORY will be won for the LIGHT and that a NEW DAWN is on the horizon. Realize that I SEE EVERY SACRIFICE you have made—small and large—to WALK in FAITH by My SIDE. I have seen, and I will REWARD and RECOMPENSE you BEYOND YOUR IMAGINATION. VINDICATION will be SWEET when I COMPLETELY UNCOVER the DEEP DARKNESS before the eyes of the world. Even SWEETER than vindication is the NEARNESS that has resulted from our relationship, as you have DRAWN EVER NEARER to My heart. As the DARKNESS CRASHES around you, keep My PROMISED FUTURE for your Nation in mind. It is BEYOND IMAGINATION in its PEACE and PLENTY.”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. Ephesians 6:20 for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it is fearlessly as I should. Niv 1989 study version. Father thank you. For the last three days awaking I can only imagine song! This confirms that today thank you! Thank you Diana for being so obedient to father. Thank you.

  2. Thank You Father for such an encouraging, even personal, timely word today! Amen

  3. Lord, I am awaiting patiently for what You have promised your children! We are expecting!

  4. Wow I don’t know what to say but thank you God!

  5. As a previous commenter expressed, this is a most COMFORTING Word! Thank you, Diana, for your STALWART, STEADFAST Obedience to The Father, delivering these PRECIOUS PRECIOUS Words to us!πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»❤️✝️πŸ’–πŸŒˆ

  6. These words were perfectly timed for me today. Such an encouragement! Been under attack by "friendly fire"... I recently was stopped by a stranger at church who had a WORD from the Lord for me. The word was "plant your feet and stand firm". Do you have more to add to do I stand firm when I just want to run away from these negative situations?...

    1. I commiserate with you! More masks appearing here in New Jersey. Asked at gym where a lady was, she'd been absent for several days. Her friend, who'd sported a mask, along with the absent friend, responded, with a grimace, "She's got Covid. And is still under the quarantine period." Months ago, I'd advised these 2 that all was a lie! They were quite snippy in response! Since, they've removed the masks - Praise God - and we've become friendly! Disheartening, no matter how we stand! I GET IT! Blessings!

    2. "Standing firm" also means reminding yourself constantly of these and other encouraging words from God, knowing that HE WILL come through.
      When the urge to retreat hits you,run instead into your Heavenly Father's arms and ask Him to strengthen you.
      HE doesn't expect you to stand in your ability.
      Your strength comes from Him.
      The more you practise running to Him like His precious child that you are, the easier it gets to stand.
      (Hope this helps)❤

  7. Thanks Ellen. Appreciate your words.

  8. Thank you Father God for this encouragement... Yes, timing is perfect as I too am struggling through the 2 worlds as God put it. This weekend was tough... but, I stood firm and showed love. Please fill me with your greater grace! I am asking for your strength as I know I can not do this alone! Thank you Father God! and Thank you Diana for being so obedient to our Father.


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