August 3, 2023


“Very WEIGHTY MATTERS will be UNFOLDING in your near future. These WEIGHTY MATTERS will include the UNCOVERING of dark and selfish plans to DESTROY you, the THEFT of your FINANCES and FREEDOMS, and the STEALING of your children's IDENTITIES and INNOCENCE. My Army of Light, you have LISTENED to the VOICE of the prophets who have EXPOSED a great deal of these WEIGHTY MATTERS to you; and your hearts are STEADFAST in Me, knowing that I will bring you through to VICTORY. Those who DISCOUNT the VOICE of My prophets, the REVEAL of these WEIGHTY MATTERS will be a STUNNING BLOW to their HAUGHTY, RELIGIOUS COMPLACENCY. Light-Bearers, SHINE your light patiently on them and GUIDE them to SAFE HARBORS of HEALING and then help EQUIP them to be a part of the Army of Light—My UNSTOPPABLE FORCE in the earth! Those who have chosen to PARTICIPATE and PARTNER with darkness and evil, the WEIGHTY MATTERS exposed will CRUSH them. Glory-Carriers, there will be some you can SNATCH from the FIRES that will be set ablaze from My WEIGHTY EXPOSURES. They will still be faced with the CONSEQUENCES of their DARK choices, but they will join us for eternity FORGIVEN and CLEANSED. Army of Light, make GOOD USE of this time before the WEIGHTY MATTERS drop into the LIGHT of HISTORY. Allow My Holy Spirit to SEARCH your own hearts for any REMAINING STUMBLING BLOCKS that could WEAKEN your ability to be a VALIANT WARRIOR who FINISHES in VICTORY as one of My OVERCOMERS. When the WEIGHTY MATTERS fall, you will STAND STRONG with Me.”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. Diana thank you for your service to God and us! I want to know if I can have the Holy Spirit dwell in me even though I have not spoken in tongues… yet? I just really would love that confirmation? Ty

    1. Yes, you can be filled with the Holy Spirit without the gift of tongues or with whatever gifting He gives. You can ask for certain gifts or even ALL of them.

    2. Everyone who is born again receives the Holy Spirit. The baptism of the Spirit is an additional infilling for the purpose of giving us power to witness and use the gifts listed in 1Corinthians 12. All you have to do is ask for it—it’s freely given! Most receive the gift of tongues, but not all do. Rest assured you have Holy Spirit if you are saved!

  2. Diana, I really appreciate your videos and your prophetic word ministry. They are calming to my spirit, and give me the courage and determination to continue in the fight against our spiritual enemies. May God continue to bless your ministry during this unusual time in the history of our nation and the world. RZ

    1. I’m so glad you’ve been encouraged!

  3. Thank you again Dear God, Our Counselor! Thank you again Dear Diana, His Servant!πŸ‘πŸ»❤️

  4. Is there anywhere I can see Diana Larkin live rather than reading her daily words?

    1. On Rumble search for JournalDiana11 also on the internet site under A Watchman's Journal. Hope this helps.

    2. You can also find her on "youtube".
      Just type in her name.

  5. “Do you have anyone or anything that you would like me to say a quick prayer for? “

    This is my way of reaching out to people who may need to know that God loves them and cares for them. Usually when someone has helped me in a store or elsewhere, I ask them if they would like me to say a quick prayer for for them or for someone that they know. I have found that 99.9% of people are quite receptive and are surprised by my request. As we join hands, it is usually just a 30 second prayer regarding their concern for someone or some matter. It is indescribable the look of wonder, peace and thankfulness that comes across their face. It is so worth the stepping out of my comfort zone and asking if there is someone or some thing they’d like a prayer for. I can’t begin to describe the feeling of fulfillment I receive through the Holy Spirit by simply doing this gesture! πŸ™ŒπŸ»

    Dear Diana thank you for all of the words that God has gifted you with that you share with us! We are so blessed to have you impart these words from heaven to us. Thank you and God bless you! πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

    1. You are a Treasure in The Body Of Christ! TY 4 sharing and God Bless you MIGHTILY!✝️πŸ™πŸ»❤️

    2. Ellen Guardiano,, thank you for your kind comments. I often find it is those small gestures of caring, that make a difference in both of our lives as well as the opening to spread His word.

      In Christ’s holy name,

    3. Just seeing this now, Lisa! You speak in WISDOM, My Friend! Thank you! And God BLESS You again, MIGHTILY!

    4. Thank you for being so faithful in prayer!

  6. In Love, daily donning your Armor, Father.


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