September 14, 2023


“It gives Me GREAT JOY when I see My Children SURRENDER to Me every day and to WAIT on Me to receive their MARCHING ORDERS for that day. Some of you WAIT in My presence and HEAR My voice, some of you SEARCH My Word to receive REVELATION, some of you READ and LISTEN to the prophetic voices to receive My BATTLE PLANS. Use ALL these ways to SEEK My heart and to HEAR My DIRECTIVES and My ENCOURAGEMENT for your day. When you SEEK Me, when you LONG for My voice, and HUNGER to know My will, it brings Me GREAT JOY. Hearts YEARNING to KNOW Me and LIVES set on BRINGING in My RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE are ones who are THE JOY OF THE FATHER. As you continue to seek Me day after day, it is BUILDING My GLORY FIRE, PURITY, and POWER within you. As the BATTLE INTENSIFIES, the enemy is PERPLEXED that you are PRESSING into Me even HARDER and FIRMLY DECLARING that My promises of VICTORY will come to FULFILLMENT. I want to THANK YOU and to BLESS you for your PERSISTENCE and LOYALTY. I want you to FEEL THE JOY that I have in you. Sit quietly before Me, and you will FEEL My hand REST on the top of your head, and your heart will FEEL THE JOY OF THE FATHER.”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. I am doing my best! I struggle w/connecting in The Natural - at the gym - my social life center - w/people, encouraging friends, acting w/kindness, taking genuine interests in their lives. With balancing my Spiritual Life. A Word spoken through Diana re we seek a life of significance. Thank You, Lord! I know You hear my prayers!๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿงธ❤️

    1. Hi Ellen, remember to receive too. I needed reminding of this often because when we love deep we give so much that we forget about receiving from the One who can fill us.๐Ÿ’

    2. Thank you! Coincides w/Dutch Sheets’ wednesday and Thursdays shows! POWERFUL TRUTHS! I appreciate your response! God bless you. MIGHTILY!✝️๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป❤️

  2. Aaah such a beautiful encouraging word from our Heavenly Father. Thank you for encouraging us... still. We love Him because He first loved us. 1 Jn 4:19

  3. Uuuuh ❤๐Ÿ˜ญ
    Thank you Father for your love.
    It feels sooooo good.

  4. Diana, I started to journal my prayers in October 2022, prompted by a friend who sent me videos titled: The 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice. I took notes and began praying and listening for God to speak. At first, I thought it had to be my active imagination, but over time, I began to know that it was Jesus speaking to me. Well, on August 8, 2023 I was reading and praying Luke 1:1-25 and about your video's, and I had only seen one maybe two of your videos and frankly didn't know what to make of them. They were encouraging, but what's more is what Jesus said to me that day: "Today I give you a recollection of the things I have written. It will come to you when the need arises. As for the things you hear from prayer and dreams and visions, I have foretold of these things. Test them against scripture, ask for discernment and it will be given to you. Share your prayers as the pertain to the things to come with Diana Larkin and see what I do. Always ask for discernment."

    So, I am writing to you out of obedience. I have other prayers where God tells me to prepare my household and tells me things that seem to be in line with what I have heard from you. It's exciting and scary all at the same time. I don't know why God wants me to send this to you, but I trust him and will leave it up to him.

    1. I’m so glad you journal God’s voice! It gives us life and direction for life!


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