September 28, 2023

“You have begun to see BIG NAMES ‘RETIRING’ from their places of POWER. More and more of these ‘RETIREMENTS’ and ‘RESIGNATIONS’ are coming. You will find MANY people in positions of POWER are MISSING IN ACTION. The MEDIA will try to NORMALIZE these that are now MISSING IN ACTION, but I want you to know I AM REMOVING these CORRUPT people by My mighty right arm. They have been presented IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE of their CRIMES against humanity and of their SICKENING PERVERSIONS, and they are being FORCED to STEP DOWN. You will see the SHOCK on some of their faces because they were DECEIVED into believing they were UNTOUCHABLE. They believed in the POWER of darkness and in the LYING media’s ability to COVER them. They are SUDDENLY SHAKEN to their CORE as everything they TRUSTED in is CRUMBLING, and the THREAT of EXPOSURE hangs over them like a HUGE HAMMER ready to drop. Don’t allow your faith to go MISSING IN ACTION because it seems like they are being allowed to FADE AWAY from public view and from consequences. I have PROMISED FULL EXPOSURE and that is coming. PRAY for those who are being SHAKEN to their CORE with their DIRTY LAUNDRY about to be EXPOSED. Pray that they will TURN to Me in DEEP REPENTANCE and find SALVATION in the BLOOD of My Son. Then they will not be SEPARATED from Me forever. They will still have to FACE the CONSEQUENCES of JUDGMENT and JUSTICE here on the earth, but they will not be MISSING IN ACTION throughout eternity.”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. God's Mercy is amazing ! this touched my heart ~ God loves all of his creation and does not want any to perish ~ WOW the LOVE the GRACE ..

  2. Mitt Romney has announced his retirement.

  3. Katie Hobbs stepping down!!! All Glory to God! May she know Jesus as her Savior!

  4. We TRUST in Him, working ALL together, for our GOOD! We shall stand and stand therefore, while the EXPOSURES continue! Our Merciful God!

  5. Nothing is impossible with God! Let those who are fleeing be caught by the Spirit of God! Let their hearts be healed and changed!

  6. These words are such an encouragement and I read them everyday! I love the calm in your voice and enjoy great peace and God’s love that cones through in your videos. God bless you and all those who hear your voice and read God’s messages here!❤️

    1. I feel the same way ๐Ÿ’—
      God bless you too.

  7. Diane Feinstein California Senator passed away

  8. The giants are falling! EXPOSURE, EXPOSURE, EXPOSURE !!!

  9. Trump has been indicted on 91 counts, first trial starts on Monday.

    1. The enemy is relentless with their fake indictments to try and take down God's anointed, but they will FAIL!๐Ÿ™Œ✝️๐Ÿ™Œ


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