September 6, 2023

“I have promised you a COMPLETE EXPOSURE of the darkness currently ruling across all seven areas of society. ALL of them will be EXPOSED, BROUGHT DOWN, and a JUDGMENT will be rendered against them. I AM also moving across your Nation to EXPOSE the darkness of the people who have ALIGNED themselves with the LIES and SELFISHNESS of the dark leaders. When I bring down the evil leaders, there will be an ERUPTION of VIOLENCE from places where the enemy has raised up STRONGHOLDS of darkness to support the evil one’s AGENDA of POWER, LUST, and GREED. I AM letting you know about these VIOLENT REACTIONS ahead of time—not to cause you to fear—but to INSTRUCT you how to COMBAT this last ‘KICKING and SCREAMING’ TANTRUM of a DETHRONED enemy. DO NOT TOLERATE the VIOLENCE! Take AUTHORITY over the punk’s schemes and send My FIRE to BURN UP REBELLION and VIOLENCE. As you release My BACKFIRE against their FIRES of VIOLENCE, it will SNUFF OUT their flames, and they will find themselves coming face to face with My Spirit of the FEAR of the LORD. Release My PERFECT LOVE into these strongholds of FEAR and DECEPTION to PIERCE the HEARTS of the DECEIVED and VIOLENT. When you send FLAMING ARROWS of My LOVE into their hearts, My PERFECT LOVE will SHATTER their FEARS and DECEPTIONS, and My PERFECT LOVE will TRANSFORM them. Instead of FREAKING OUT over VIOLENCE, realize I have PAINTED A TARGET on an area where you need to ARISE in AUTHORITY and LOVE to STILL the WORK of the violent one and to see My Kingdom ESTABLISHED in those places. This is a THOROUGH HOUSECLEANING that I AM doing in your Nation. WHEN I SAY ALL, I MEAN ALL.”
Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. GLORY TO GOD! i love you, my heavenly and only Father!!

  2. Oh, Father, Hallelujah! We shall release your LOVE POWER! Amen!

  3. Research Emily Draminski. She is the president of the American public libraries and has been caught on recording saying she wants to use them for organizing socialism. She also refers to herself as a marxist

  4. Research NSSM 200 and NSDM. America's policy still in effect signed into law by Nixon reading don't let global population rise above 8 billion (which we just did) and to "indoctrinate" the kids before 4th grade. It explains the push for gay sex, abortion, trans sterilization, women's lib. Wikipedia is actually a good sorce and the 198 page policy is include in the external links on the wiki page.

  5. And I'm praying to rebuke these things, thanking God for revealing them, and trusting God 110%

  6. So agree with the above statement. God is so good.

  7. Your Army of Light are behind you in full, thanks father!

  8. Dear everyone I've just heard my Western Australian govt is trying to change the law so they can physically hold us down and force poison jab into us. I'm 68. I haven't had any fear but now I am. I dont want my God DNA Changed and all the poisons in the jab. Please pray for God to stop this evil plan. I'd rather die than have my DNA changed.

  9. God bless you and yours. It's never been right and just and I know God is in control now. Put your trust in the lord and keep praying to Father Almighty. Surrender your fears and worries and please know we're all with you. Again, god bless patriot.


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