“There is coming a TRIUMPHAL RETURN to your Land. There will be a TRIUMPH of JUSTICE over BRIBED and CORRUPT judges and lawmakers. There will be a TRIUMPH of RIGHTEOUSNESS over those who call evil good and good evil. There will be a TRIUMPH of TRUTH that will arise over LIES, PROPAGANDA, and DECEPTION. There will be a TRIUMPHAL RETURN of your rightful leader, as he is EXONERATED and those who ACCUSED him are PROVEN to be the GUILTY ones. There will be a TRIUMPHAL RETURN of the FEAR of the LORD to your Nation, as My JUDGMENT and JUSTICE sweep through the Land. There will be a TRIUMPHAL RETURN of My Kingdom RULING and REIGNING in your midst through the BLOOD and the RESURRECTION POWER of My Son. WELCOME these TRIUMPHAL RETURNS. CALL THEM FORTH by My AUTHORITY that has been given to you. KEEP CALLING FORTH EXPOSURES, EXPOSURES, EXPOSURES. The MORE EXPOSURES that are UNVEILED, the less VIOLENCE there will be. What the enemy and his partners have HIDDEN AWAY and placed a TIGHT LID on, you DECLARE it will be BLOWN OPEN and EXPOSED to all. EXPOSURES, EXPOSURES, EXPOSURES are the KEY to AWAKENING more and more people. The RUDELY AWAKENED will join you in bringing an END to the REIGN of DARKNESS and WELCOMING in THE TRIUMPHAL RETURNS.”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. Gracias, gracias Padre!! Que hermosas palabras de animo y esperanza!!

  2. How can I print out your prophecies? I am not very techy and I cannot find them. This is my email address: Please respond - thank you

    1. Hold down control button on computer and hit p at same time

  3. Hello highlight the text and share with your email or print if your settings are set up. Use copy an paste and print

  4. Praise God the need is so great amazing word . Amen,Amen🌺❤️

  5. Question What is going to happen to the children an pets of these evil person. I am soooo tired of seeing post of abusive person hurting animals as well. Why must this still go on Father!

    1. Remember Father God has promised a change in EVERYTHING and HE will take care of every detail.
      Ask HIM to turn your concern/anguish over children and pets into intercession for them.

    2. What words should I use exactly? How would you pray this in tongues?

  6. Hallelujah! CELEBRATION! We shall REMAIN STANDING, His Remnant, His Ekklesia! Praying UNCEASINGLY in The Spirit!🙏🏻✝️❤️

  7. I wanted to share that on September 6, 2022 I woke up at 3:30 in the morning startled by a loud sound of a Gavil hitting a table - I knew what it was and A Godly fear came over me and verse in Luke 12:5 - But I will show you in whom you should fear: Fear Him who, after the killing of the body has power to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear Him. JUDGMENT HAS BEGUN!

  8. I love your gentle style and calm voice. The things you share are encouraging and practical. I listen to your utubes on the way to and from work. I've had some big bumps in the road and climbing back has been hard. I'm enjoying the stained glass piece behind you. It looks very much like one I made my mother years ago. It's been lost in her passing. Thank you for renewing they joy I remembered in making it. I love your sunroom. If I get my own place again I've asked God for a sunroom very much like yours. The beauty that surrounds you speaks to my hungry spirit that longs for that calm and serene space. Thank you for your posts.

    1. I’m praying for all the desires of your heart to be fulfilled!


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