October 20, 2023

Bamboozle=trick, deceive, confuse, dupe, flatter, hoodwink
“The whole world has been BAMBOOZLED by the LYING, DECEIVING spirit of Leviathan speaking through media and corrupt leaders in all areas of society. This has happened because people’s hearts have TURNED AWAY from Me. They allowed their LOVE for Me and for TRUTH to GROW COLD. They adopted a FORM of religion but DENIED My SUPERNATURAL POWER, and this opened them up to be BAMBOOZLED by the darkness. The enemy FLATTERED them by whispering they were ‘right’ and ‘reasonable’ to pursue their faith as an INTELLECTUAL EXERCISE, and he DUPED them into thinking the SUPERNATURAL REALM was DANGEROUS and to be AVOIDED. The less people who knew Me and My power, the EASIER it was to CONFUSE them about TRUTH. As the Church’s LIGHT DIMMED, the enemy BAMBOOZLED the world, effectively BLINDFOLDING (HOODWINKING) them to REALITY and TRUTH. The enemy spun a WEB of DECEIT over the whole world until EVIL began to be called GOOD, and GOOD began to be called EVIL. Pretty dark picture, isn’t it? BUT GOD…I had carefully PRESERVED a REMNANT whose LOVE for Me and for the TRUTH BURNED in their hearts. I AWAKENED you to the deep DECEPTION and the plans of darkness to KILL, STEAL, and DESTROY mankind and My creation. You allowed Me to REMOVE the BLINDFOLD so that you could CLEARLY SEE Me and CLEARLY SEE the enemy. You are no longer BAMBOOZLED, you are My WEAPONS of TRUTH, LIGHT, and LOVE. Let My POWERFUL LOVE SHINE through you and that will make a way for you to SHARE My TRUTH and My POWER. You have INVITED My RESCUE OPERATION and CALLED for TRUTH to be UNVEILED, and My Spirit is MOVING across the earth to accomplish this. CALL DOWN the BAMBOOZLING spirit and CANCEL OUT its DEVICES. CALL IN My FLAMING SWORD OF TRUTH to DEMOLISH all the LIES and DECEPTION, and your world will no longer be BAMBOOZLED.” 
Diana Larkin, A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. Diana, you have a gift! Thank you for sharing

  2. Diana certainly does possess a most anointed Gift! The bold words assist me in culling out the salient points, Diana, Lord! Let My POWERFUL LOVE SHINE through you and that will make a way for you to SHARE My TRUTH and My POWER. Amen!

  3. Diana and Everyone, you have to see this! πŸ’•πŸ•ŠπŸ˜€πŸ•ŠπŸ’• -- xxxhttps://twitter.com/Paul_Koshy/status/1714179219536904246

  4. Dutch Sheets said this morning-Unbelievers don’t hear a pure version of the gospel; they hear it after it has been filtered through what they already believe! So we must pray and decree (2Corinthians 10:3-5)

  5. Lord, let Your POWERFUL LOVE shine through me! Amen!

  6. Amen πŸ™! Thank you Heavenly Father for your continued Mercy and Strength! I repent of any wrong actions or thoughts on my part towards anything of you My Father! I am truly grateful for your kindness and love! I want do very much to please you in all that I do and say! I know I fall short in many ways! I want to CALL DOWN the BAMBOOZLING spirit and CANCEL OUT its DEVICES. I CALL IN YOUR FLAMING SWORD OF TRUTH to DEMOLISH all the LIES and DECEPTION, so that our world will no longer be BAMBOOZLED.” πŸ™❤️πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

  7. Today I read something that made so much sense about how the world has been bamboozled. The countries of Israel, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates were on the cusp of agreeing to a new trade route through their countries. It would facilitate trade from India to Europe. This trade route would compete with China's Belt and Road initiative. Then just like that we see a flare up of conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. The new trade route is in limbo. It seems that economic interests are probably behind this conflict. We have been bamboozled again!

    1. Here is an article describing the proposed trade route https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/India-Middle_East-Europe_Economic_Corridor


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