October 31, 2023

“TREMBLE before Me, O nations of the earth. TREMBLE before Me, all those who have chosen darkness. TREMBLE before Me, all you who have been made clean by the BLOOD of the Lamb. The whole earth will TREMBLE when My FOOT touches the earth, and My HAMMER BLOW of JUSTICE strikes the ground. When My VANQUISHING TRIUMPH is displayed before the heavens and the earth, ALL WILL TREMBLE and ALL will know that I AM GOD. This inner TREMBLING that you feel is THE FEAR OF THE LORD. It is RIGHTLY DISCERNING MY CHARACTER—both My KINDNESS and My SEVERITY. It is knowing My SOVEREIGNTY and My AWESOME POWER but realizing that I have DELEGATED DOMINION of the earth to man. Most of My Church LOST SIGHT of this fact that part of your MANDATE was to RULE and REIGN as SONS and DAUGHTERS of LIGHT, and DARKNESS OVERTOOK the areas you were meant to be the SALT that PRESERVES and the LIGHT that EXPOSES the darkness. Now your eyes have OPENED, you have REPENTED for HIDING your LIGHT, and you have CALLED on Me to come and DELIVER you from the enemy you allowed to grow so strong that it THREATENS to OVERPOWER and CONTROL you. I have asked you to PARTNER with Me as My Army of Light, and you have learned to be a VALIANT WARRIOR. We will have a RESOUNDING VICTORY that will cause the nations to TREMBLE. Welcome this TREMBLING; it is the HOLY, CLEAN, and ENDURING FEAR OF THE LORD. As it SWEEPS the earth, IDOLS will FALL, hearts will REPENT and be CLEANSED by the BLOOD, and RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE will PREVAIL. TREMBLE before Me.”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. Hallelujah, Lord! TREMBLE! Thank You for Your encouragement, Father! And for speaking Your MAJESTIC MIGHTY Words through Your Faithful Daughter Diana! Glory Yo God! Amen!

  2. From Go to God to Good! Let's Go!!!

  3. YES LORD I welcome this TREMBLING.
    Let the whole earth be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord.
    Come with Your fire, Lord
    Come with Your love
    Come and sweep away the worship of darkness.
    Let Your church arise and shine brightly 🌞


    1. Amen πŸ™! Thank you Heavenly Father for your continued Mercy and Strength! I shall Tremble before You, My Father and know you are GOD! πŸ™❤️πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ”₯πŸ”₯


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