October 5, 2023

“When you allow your FEATHERS TO BE RUFFLED by FEAR, ANXIETY, or FOREBODING about a supposed coming event, it ROBS you of PEACE, FOCUS, and ENERGY. Don’t get SIDETRACKED with reports that cause your ANXIETY LEVEL to RISE and turn your FOCUS to how to protect yourself and your family. Have I not PROMISED to PROTECT you? Is the BLOOD of My Son that COVERS you not the STRONGEST force in the Universe? Does not My Spirit promise to be your GUIDE, COUNSELOR, and WISDOM for all your decisions? When you listen to voices that CONTINUALLY REPORT about the next thing you should FEAR, and they turn your FOCUS to SELF-PROTECTION, this actually CUTS YOU OFF from FAITH in My ability to LEAD you and to KEEP you SAFE. Do I not know the beginning and the end? Am I not the God of the IMPOSSIBLE and of RESURRECTION POWER? Are you not My children that I DEARLY LOVE and have promised to PROTECT? Some of you are ADDICTED to LISTENING to BAD REPORTS, and it keeps you in a STATE of ANXIETY and UNEASINESS. It ROBS you of FAITH and STRENGTH that you need to FINISH WELL as My Army of Light. Do you feel like you can’t HEAR My voice and receive My GUIDANCE?  Then DRAW NEAR to Me and SPEND TIME in My presence until you can DISTINGUISH My VOICE. Remember that I lead you by My PEACE and those are the paths you should walk, and PEACE should be the BAROMETER of all your DECISIONS. What do you do with all these FEAR REPORTS? I have already told you and EQUIPPED you about how to take every DARK SCHEME and TURN IT BACK into the camp of the enemy by the AUTHORITY of the BLOOD. Your STRONG WEAPONS of WORSHIP, DECLARATIONS, and DECREES are very EFFECTIVE at MOWING DOWN darkness. Do not allow FEAR-MONGERING to STEAL your IDENTITY as My Son or Daughter. UNRUFFLE THOSE FEATHERS and come under My WINGS of PROTECTION.”
PSALM 28:7, PSALM 13:5-6
Diana Larkin, A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. Forgive me Father for not putting my total trust in You. Thank You for redirecting me back to under Your protective wings! Help me to stay there. Help me to trust only You. Amen

  2. Thank you Father for correcting me in love. I repent for not trusting in you completely. You alone will protect me. I love you Lord.

  3. "Is not the blood of my Son the STRONGEST FORCE in the universe".....WOW Father God....Thank You for this mind blowing revelation!
    The STRONGEST force in the universe covers me...wow!!!

  4. I really needed this !!

  5. My enemies do not have a chance in hell to succeed in their wicked ways. Thank God for that! I am one very blessed man. It's Thanksgiving Day every day around here!

  6. 🙏🏻✝️🌴❤️😎


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