November 28, 2023


*Guard our hearts against being resentful when we see gross sinners being touched and drawn by His mercy and saved from hell’s torments. Remind yourselves of His mercy in our own lives, align our hearts with His Daddy heart, and welcome home the prodigals and the evil-doers who turn toward His scandalous mercy.

*We are to be ready for the sudden unveiling of His Rescue Operation so that we can shine His hope, peace, and proclaim His promises to those who are jolted awake.

*An important key to prophetic promises being fulfilled is thanksgiving. Instead of focusing on problems and chaos, we are to focus on giving thanks to Him for so great a salvation, for beauty in our lives, for His faithfulness in our past, and for the wonderful promises for our future. Avoid fretting about how long it may be taking because that sows discord, doubt, and unbelief into our hearts and defiles those around us.  Choose to thank Him, and the atmosphere of the room will change to faith and expectant joy.

*Sin and selfishness can cloud our ability to hear God’s heart and to know His ways. Deliverance comes from confession, repentance, and receiving the blood of Jesus to cover and remove sin. As Holy Spirit to transform our lives so that there is no place for sin to lodge. We are to read, digest, and process the Word of God because it carries His heart and ways, and it will transform how we think and who we are. Ditch the religious spirit of rule keeping and outward conformity and give yourself permission to live out of His heart and His ways.

*We are being given Heavenly intel to let us know where to target our prayers to stop their plans, and where the enemy’s weaknesses are. We are to sow more fear, division, foolish decisions into their camp. Ask for the Spirit to create a smokescreen to hide the powerful offensive building of Hosts and the Army of Light. Press in for the final blow to bring down an evil empire.

*We are to watch for the Father in this season because He wants to surprise us with a gift. Anticipate and wait for His gift, and you will know it when it comes because it will bring joy and love. We are to smile and know that we are greatly loved and treasured.

*When there is a short time of darkness, our assignment is to help the startled awake to process the exposed darkness, the plans for judgment, justice, and restoration.

*We can receive the full flow of His love when we surrender any area of sin, ask for cleansing from the blood, ask that the power of His love would be greater than the pull of the sin. Never let sin keep you from His presence to receive His River of Love to wash that area, restoring our whole hearts, so that we can fully know and understand His love.

*We have been given Divinely powerful hammers to beat down every scheme that raises its head. We are not to feel overwhelmed or intimidated by the multitude of evil plans. Fill up on the Father’s strength, power, and light, and the hammer blow we strike will send the plans of darkness right back onto those who sent it.

Diana Larkin

A Watchman's Journal 



  1. Hallelujah! The Weekly "Action Items posted lickety-split, Diana! Praise God!

  2. We are listening for your voice Father. Our eyes are fixed upon You!


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