November 16, 2023


“When you choose to have your heart INTERTWINED with My heart, you will BE BOLD, STRONG, AND FREE. True FREEDOM comes from WITHIN, and it is the freedom to CHOOSE to do what is RIGHT and LOVING. Those whose hearts have been washed in the BLOOD of My Son have been SET FREE from BONDAGE to SELF and SIN. SIN IS A FREEDOM STEALER. It ENSLAVES you and it DEFILES those around you. Sin DEMANDS while freedom GIVES. A truly FREE nation must have as its FOUNDATION a people who are FREE in their own hearts. That is why it has taken LONGER than you thought to TURN your Nation around because I was at work bringing DOWN darkness but, at the same time, I was ALIGNING your hearts with Mine so that you could become part of the SURE FOUNDATION of a FREE Land. When My FREED0M gets ESTABLISHED in your hearts, then you will ARISE in My BOLDNESS and STRENGTH and DEMAND that dark forces let your Nation and its people GO FREE! It was for freedom that Christ set you free. (Galatians 5:1) FREEDOM produces great CREATIVITY, PRODUCTIVITY, and BEAUTY. It BLESSES the world. When you choose to SERVE SELF and your GREEDY DESIRES, it sows SORROW into the world and it ENSLAVES you. When you choose to SERVE Me, you will become BOLD, STRONG, and FREE; and you will BLESS the world with My LIGHT SHINING through you. This is the FOUNDATION your Nation needs to WIN BACK FREEDOM and to MAINTAIN it. Let’s join our hearts, and you will BE BOLD, STRONG, AND FREE.”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. Thank you Diana for these magnificent words from the Lord. They paint a lovely picture of our future!!

  2. 🙏🏻✝️❤️

  3. Pretty Awesome!! :)


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