November 21, 2023

“My MERCY is ALWAYS SCANDALOUS to those who live out of the RELIGIOUS SPIRIT. Examples of this RELIGIOUS mindset are found in the older brother of the PRODIGAL son and in the story of the workers in the VINEYARD who were paid the SAME for putting in a full day’s work or for only working an hour. The RELIGIOUS mindset is REPELLED by the thought that I would drop My DIGNITY and run to MEET those who have turned their FACE TOWARDS HOME. The elder brother knows he has KEPT ALL THE RULES, and he is PROUD of that accomplishment. He DESPISES that I would GLADLY RECEIVE someone who has made ALL the WRONG CHOICES and BROKEN ALL THE RULES in life. The RELIGIOUS mindset FORGETS that it was My MERCY and GRACE that brought them into the KINGDOM, and NOT their own EFFORTS to do things right. In fact, some of them have NEVER SURRENDERED to My grace and mercy for their lives. They are DEPENDING on KEEPING THE RULES—acting, dressing, and thinking certain ways—rather than realizing the BLOOD of My Son opens them up to My SCANDALOUS GRACE and MERCY. Rule keepers DESPISE My MERCY, and they cannot understand a LOVE that RUNS to MEET a darkened heart who has TURNED towards the LIGHT. Living a life SURRENDERED to My righteousness will REAP BENEFITS for you on earth and will be REWARDED in Heaven. But this lifestyle is NOT why you received My SALVATION and My GREAT MERCY. My MERCY is FREELY POURED FORTH to any who will TURN to RECEIVE it. GUARD your heart against being RESENTFUL if you see GROSS SINNERS being TOUCHED and DRAWN by My MERCY and SAVED from hell’s torments. Would you rather the enemy got to keep them as his TROPHY or is there GREAT VICTORY in My SCANDALOUS MERCY? Remind yourself of My MERCY in your own life, ALIGN your heart with My DADDY HEART, and WELCOME HOME the prodigals and the evil-doers who TURN toward My SCANDALOUS MERCY.” 
Diana Larkin, A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. Amen πŸ™! Thank you Heavenly Father for your continued Mercy and Love! I understand your heartfelt Mercy! As you said you have given me Mercy continuously! I do not want to see anyone being left behind in the hands of the enemy! Your scandalous Mercy is gratefully appreciated! πŸ™❤️πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ”₯πŸ”₯

  2. Wow! This is why we need the baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire! It's only He that can reveal the Father's mercy and love! Like in the movie "the Shack". How can we ask God to destroy in hell HIS CHILDREN that went astray and was deceived! I thank God for saving Ted Bundy the serial killer. I saw his testimony on Dr. Dobson. O the deep, deep love of Jesus!

  3. None at us are deserving. Let’s welcome all of our brothers and sisters with open arms. Wouldn’t you want that if you were in their shoes? Thank you, Papa Father GOD for having mercy on me. Pour out your merciful Spirit on all!

  4. All comments are precious wise received! AGREE WHOLEHEARTEDLY, Saints! BLESSINGS ABOUND!✝️❤️πŸ™πŸ»

  5. Thank you for your mercy to all Lord, we pray in the lost


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