November 9, 2023

“Part of the RESCUE OPERATION is OPERATION CLEANUP. Not only am I REMOVING ENTRENCHED EVIL in your society, I AM REMOVING its ROOTS that have CREPT into the Church through leaders who have JUSTIFIED and KEPT HIDDEN GROSS SIN. This kind of DEFILING SIN SOWS CORRUPTION into the FOUNDATION of these leaders and their ministries. You need to understand that My FOCUS is NOT ON PRESERVING ministers or the ministries they have built. My FOCUS is on OPERATION CLEANUP because the FOUNDATIONS of the Church and its ministries must be built on My RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE. My Kingdom cannot be built on COMPROMISED FOUNDATIONS. Realize that I don’t ‘NEED’ big name leaders or their mega ministries in order to ACCOMPLISH My PURPOSES in the earth. I can and will RAISE UP RIGHTEOUS LEADERS and MINISTRIES that are founded on My RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE. These will DISPLAY My NAME and My WAYS to the world, and the world will be DRAWN to the LIGHT and PURITY, the WHOLENESS and the POWER of My PRESENCE. STOP TRYING TO PRESERVE WHAT I AM JUDGING. No more will I TOLERATE HIDDEN SIN and CORRUPTION in My Church. No longer will My Church WORSHIP PERSONALITIES or MINISTRIES, which is MODERN DAY IDOLATRY. They will WORSHIP ME in the BEAUTY of HOLINESS. I will release DEEP HEALING and RESTORATION to those DEFILED by a leader’s GROSS SIN. The DEFILED LEADER can be RESTORED to relationship with Me if there is DEEP REPENTANCE to Me and to those they offended. Understand that I cannot CLEAN OUT the EVIL in the world and IGNORE it in My Church. My Church must become My KINGDOM OF LIGHT where those DECEIVED by the darkness can come to be CLEANSED and MADE WHOLE. Will you TRUST the GOOD WORK I AM doing in OPERATION CLEANUP and will you JOIN Me in calling it forth?”
Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. May we all see the Truth, the Way and the Light 🕯️ That leads us to Life and to our Future. Full speed ahead and God speed 🚅

  2. Amen and Amen; Judgement MUST begin in the House of God; "Be Ye Holy for "I AM" Holy! We TRUST in you and speak into Operation Cleanup, calling it forth daily in our Prayer and Decrees!

    1. Well expressed! Received! Agreed! Decree and Declare!

  3. Powerful post, Johnny Enloe talks about this extensively. It must be cleaned up. You said it is idolatry to worship the church leader. My husband's family left a church when it was found out that the pastor had an affair. Saddly, this left a permanent stain on the church in their eyes and they never attended another church. Church wounds are the worst wounds.

  4. "Understand that I cannot CLEAN OUT the EVIL in the world and IGNORE it in My Church." An understatement, to say the least.

    "The Church" needs to be RADICALLY revolutionized - Top to bottom, bottom to top. I'm not stating anything new here when I say corruption exists as much in "the church" as it does in wider society - idolaters, adulterers, fornicators, child molesters, pedos, members of evil secret societies such as masons, etc. ,etc.

    It has been covered up and remained hidden through a variety of means for a long, long time.

    Judgmental without justification. Hypocrites galore.

    The spirit of "Religion", for example, is obviously a spirit of division, corruption, and destruction and has been used to justify and cover a multitude of transgressions. It needs to be obliterated from the face of the earth.

    God is not religious!!

    It should not surprise anyone anymore who does not have their head stuck in the sand it's no wonder God has righteous anger and to him the stench of everything, everywhere has become intolerable.

  5. A gem commentary!


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