December 13, 2023


“You are entering a season of My GLORY FILLING the earth as the waters cover the seas. In My GLORY ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE—blind eyes OPENED, dead brought back to LIFE, diseases HEALED, whatever is broken or missing RESTORED. When you are in My GLORY, you will NATURALLY be SUPERNATURAL. My SAVING, HEALING, and DELIVERING presence will FLOW through you into those you are praying for. This is nothing you will have to WORK UP or STRIVE FOR. You enter My GLORY realm by DRAWING NEAR to My HEART and SURRENDERING your life to Me. I will then use you as a VESSEL through which My GLORY flows, and you will see MIRACLES take place before your eyes. The SUPERNATURAL POWER of your Mighty God will FLOW through you in a NATURAL FLOW of our RELATIONSHIP. You PREPARE yourself to be a GLORY-CARRIER by SPENDING TIME WITH ME. You WORSHIP Me, give THANKS freely, and just ENJOY being with Me. A DIVINE EXCHANGE takes place, as you are with Me, and you will find you have become NATURALLY SUPERNATURAL.”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. Thank you Diana for sharing with us each and every day. May God's blessing and favor be on you and your family.

    1. Yes, I totally agree. Thank you so much for being God's voice for us. I so appreciate it.

  2. YES LORD!!!!πŸ’₯πŸ’₯
    Yes! Yes! Yes!πŸ˜πŸ˜„πŸ’ƒ

  3. Thank you Diana. For your faithfulness in giving us these wonderful words from the LORD daily! I look forward to reading them everyday. God BLESS you abundantly!❤️‍πŸ”₯πŸ™

  4. I can't wait! Hallelujah!

  5. Oh Lord, I want this so much!!!

  6. Amen πŸ™! Thank you Heavenly Father for your continued Mercy and Grace! There is nothing more in this world that I want more than to be closer to you! Please prepare me to be used by you as a VESSEL through which YOUR GLORY flows!!! I so want to be part of the Miracles that you will deliver through Your SUPERNATURAL POWER! Holy Spirit help me to prepare myself to be a GLORY-CARRIER for Our Almighty Father!

  7. Many years ago when I was in Bible college. I had a vision one night at a chapel service. I saw myself being used to put my hands-on people that needed to be healed. Here it is over 30 years later and this prophetic word lines up with what I was shown. I believe the Lord has called me to be a Glory Carrier. Lord, help me to draw close to you so I can be used for your glory.


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