December 16, 2023

“I would COUNSEL you in this season to HOLD YOUR PERSONAL OPINIONS LIGHTLY. When you believe you’re seeing a person ACCURATELY and you FORM a STRONG OPINION about them, be CAREFUL about SHARING that OPINION PUBLICLY. You may think you have ACCURATE FACTS and that you see things CLEARLY, but you FORGET this is an INFORMATION WAR. It won’t be until the VERY END and all the CARDS ARE LAID ON THE TABLE that you will know who has been of the DARKNESS and who has been of the LIGHT. There are RIGHTEOUS men and women who have SACRIFICED their GOOD REPUTATIONS to DECEIVE the darkness and to help EXPOSE them. They have taken on the APPEARANCE of EVIL and COMPROMISE in order to SAVE a nation. They are doing this for their nation and for you, so don’t be so QUICK TO CONDEMN actions that appear to be compromised. HOLD YOUR OPINIONS LIGHTLY because you are NOT SEEING THE WHOLE PICTURE. Your OPINIONS can CREATE GREAT DIVISION when you share them publicly—even when you feel sure you are right—because others will SEE THROUGH the smoke and mirrors of the war to the TRUE CHARACTER of an individual. They will feel a need to DEFEND against your OPINION and then UNNECESSARY DIVISION is caused. I would COUNSEL you to HOLD YOUR OPINIONS CLOSE TO YOUR OWN HEART and WAIT to see how things UNFOLD. In the end, there will be SURPRISES about who is truly of the DARK and who is truly of the LIGHT. Come to My Spirit and ASK FOR DISCERNMENT about people. You can pray that My Host will SUPPORT all the ones who are fighting for the LIGHT and that My Host would OPPOSE those openly or secretly are working for the DARKNESS. Your OPINIONS will not be FULLY FORMED until the WAR IS WON. You will be GLAD you WITHHELD PUBLIC JUDGMENT of some who will TURN OUT TO BE HEROES. INSISTING on your own OPINIONS can create DIVISION where there needs to be a UNIFIED FOCUS on TAKING DOWN DARKNESS in the heavenly realms. When that darkness is REMOVED, those serving them will be UNPROTECTED and will be EXPOSED for ALL TO SEE. UNIFY your WARFARE against the enemy and NOT against people.”
Diana Larkin, A Watchman’s Journal 



  1. I heard that. Thank you for everything. That covers it all.

  2. Thanks Jesus, help us to do Your will. Thanks again.

  3. Amen πŸ™! Thank you Heavenly Father for your continued Mercy and Strength! Another powerful word! I watch as the darkness spreads more division day by day! Holy Spirit guide my thoughts and my words! Words are mighty! I know how they have broken my heart over the years! Please also help me with forgiveness! Allow me to keep an open mind and heart and not to judge or condemn! In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior! πŸ™❤️πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ”₯πŸ”₯

    1. Lindy, beautiful prayer. How I feel exactly!

  4. So now I'm trying to guess who I'm wrong about. :) This is a good word, we must be careful how we judge. Thank you Diana, for being faithful.

  5. This warning/instruction is so timely. Here in MN 11-16 a narrative busting documentary was released By 12-7 it had 5,000,000 views. GF and 5-25-2020 was very much a Psy Op and the truth is something quite different that Agenda Media relentlessly pushed. The agenda: destabilize US, defund and discourage law enforcement, encourage and "raise" criminals. Tsunami of Truth, like a tsunami before it hits, it looked like no justice and now the flood. The destruction of the wicked is the Glory of God. These two are connected. ALL things work together for Good for the called (the nation of USA)


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